I was blown away by the birthday comments! So many of you and so many kind sentiments...thanks so much!! Coming over here to Blogger was a big upgrade and I'm so glad that AOL lit the fire under my butt to finally get me to make the change. I kinda feel the same way about this election. Something is about to happen (fingers crossed!) that I really didn't think would happen in my lifetime. I LOVE people but I guess I'm guilty of a bit of pessimism when it comes to the way I think Americans handle race. You know, because the civil rights movement seemed like yesterday...I never thought we could come this far this fast. Of course it's long over due but still...I'm proud that race was not issue for the majority of Americans going to the polls. I feel a little awkward even bringing it up now but I think you guys know me and where I'm coming from. So you obviously know which way I voted...and race was not my sole motivation of course...there were so many reasons...almost none of which are partisan...(the only party I'm aligned with is the "crafter party") But anyway, enough about that. I don't like to speak of divisive subjects here...we've got a 24 hour news cycle that can fully handle that stuff. Just know that all my motivations were positive. And I hope the same goes for all of you guys.
I just wanted to pop on here today to thank you guys for thinking of me on my b-day. Me and Aaron are working on so much stuff that I'll be posting ultra soon! We're making stuff like bakers...fresh and by the batch. I can't wait to show you all the new stuff. We'll talk again after all the election smoke has cleared and then we can trade stories about our 2008 campaign experience. For now, if I could sum up my election experience with one word : Exhausting!
xoxo, Jenny
ps. if you haven't already...times almost up...please get out there and rock the vote...then get your free cup of starbucks!!!