It's been more than a week since I received my big fabulous box of swap stuff and I've been dying to post it. As soon as I opened my package from my wonderful partner I instantly renamed the event to be the Sweet,Sinister, & Spoiled Swap! My partner Karen sent the kind of swap package that you're almost afraid to receive...afraid because you fear that you probably didn't send enough in return. That's the tricky thing with swaps. If you get a fab partner, you've got a lot to live up to!
But I know that's not the point...I know it's all about the making, the shopping, and the giving...and you shouldn't worry about measuring up. But still, you don't want the exchange to be overly lopsided!
So...as I was saying...just look at these pics...that sweet & sinister Karen Spoiled me! Lots of time, care, and creativity. The "Boo" banner/garland is way over the top! Totally handmade and awesome! And I love the matchbox ornament...which she also submitted as a tutorial on the Sweet & Sinister Swap Blog. And the one item that I seriously appreciate is the "thrifted" vintage black purse. First, because she hit my taste right on the button and second...the effort. She went out, found it, saw it's potential, and customized it. It's great! And that warty witch finger candle is soooo gross...but gross in a good way! When it burns it oozes green! Everything was wrapped so carefully and when I was opening the stuff I just kept thinking "wait...there's more???!!" All the stamped tags tied to each item...the perfectly tight color palette...the clean and neat presentation...I seriously couldn't have gotten a sweeter partner! I LOVE it all!! Thank you Karen!!!

And now for what I sent Karen. I like shopping for people but my fave part is definitely the making. I only wish I had time to make more. I had the most fun with the Charlotte cone...I think she just looks perfect wearing that little mask. And I'm curious to hear how that popcorn on the cob works out...apparently, all you do is pop it in the microwave as-is. I may just have to go get one for myself! Shipping this box full of stuff was a bit of the challenge because of that gnarly black tree. I had to find a box big enough to fit it but not so big that all the other stuff would be flying around all over the place in a giant box. Well, I was thrilled to hear back from Karen that she liked everything. So once again, Artsymama's Sweet & Sinister Swap was a smashing success for me and I'll undoubtedly partake next year. :) Thanks Kari!!!

One more thing with the Swap...our Crow Mobile! This is what we did for a tutorial on the S & S Blog. If you're a member of the blog you can view it in it's entirety here. Me and Aar really loved putting it together. I mentioned it last post...we just love putting kits together...giving crafty hints and tips. I read a lot of comments on the Blog and it seems like people are down with the Crow Mobile! I can't wait to see other people's interpretations!
Thanks so much for the Kit love! For you absolute sweethearts who picked up a Home Sweet Home Kit we promise that it's a fun time...and it's easy! We would LOVE to see pics of your finished projects! They'll be shipping out in 1-2 days. Thank you!! :) And for those who are interested...there are still some left...come get crafty with us!

We're getting a jump on the holiday and have some of our all time favorites listed in the shop. At Silver Bella we'll be debuting some fab new designs and for those of you who are unable to attend this year...yes...we'll be listing the new stuff in the shop as well! And you can certainly look forward to a lot more kits. A New Years kit is on the drawing board and it is so so FUN!! We have a bunch of future plans, lots of changes, revamping and re-thinking a lot of what we do. I promise to share more about it soon. For now we're just working like crazy and trying not to totally lose our minds. As we get out our orders we're chipping away at the fabulous Silver Bella Debuts. It's so so very windy outside tonight and the whipping,whirling sound outside my window is reminding me of what my nervous insides feel like!

Ok, next. When we got these made we had Silver Bella in mind...we think they'd be great take away gifts and a cinch to slip into a suitcase. But we simply couldn't wait 'til then...so here they are. Everyday is a Holiday postcards!!! We picked a trio of our favorite paintings and we're offering them individually or as a set of six (2 of each). They're excellent quality...matte finish, super sweet rounded corners...2 sided...and they come with matching cream envelopes. There's space on back for your message and you can mail as-is with a stamp or slip 'em in the provided envelopes... but besides their obvious use they're perfect for gift giving...or to tuck in the corner of a mirror etc...or you can even frame 'em...ad to a scrapbook page...in our home we totally decorate with postcards. They're wonderful in person...the soft, antiquey, faded color palette. They are listed now in the shop!!! And you will be happy to know...they are in stock..and ready to ship right away! :)

At last, I'll leave you with a Flickr mosaic. This is how I'm seeing fall this year. I'm so loving the aqua! Unexpected yet perfect.
Ok, thanks for reading again!! Love ya!! xoxo, Jenny