Celebrate Everyday!

Got the new painting done. The whole thing with this one was the editing process. We started with a table full of like ten paper mache rabbits, all shapes and sizes of little Christmas trees, a village of putz houses, tiny party hats galore, and just bits and pieces of all the things we love. Finally we pared it down to a visually pleasing still life. And we're so psyched to be doing this one as a ready to frame print...we want to put ours in a scrolly gilded frame! I think the curtains will look so fab framed in with gold. Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement about the new piece and let you know that there will be many more to come. And this is now listed as an 8 x 10 print on Etsy and will soon be available as  11 x 14 and 5 x 7 plaques.
  Aaron thanks you guys so much for your birthday wishes and he wanted me to make sure I told Heidi that she's got awesome comments. He especially loved the freezing their Valentine nutcups off one, and of course "More Cow Bell"! And Maija, how do you know about those heart shaped tubs at Mount Airy?! Oh, and for some reason the Youtube clip of the commercial on last post is not showing up when I open my blog. I don't know if that's happening for everyone else.
  Ok, back to work...Happy February! Hope you like our newest piece! :)
xoxo, Jenny