I wonder where those heart shaped tubs are now?

Earlier this week was Aaron's birthday and I've got no pictures to prove it! He always teases me and my sister and brothers about HIS day receiving no special attention while the rest of us usually get a full day or night of events. But he's the one who downplays the day and insists on working just as much or more than any other day. And that's what we did...Valentine's nutcups of course, and boxes, bubble wrap, tape, tissue, tags, rush to the post office, then rush from there to Walt's hockey game (and we thought we'd be right on time except that we went to the wrong rink!)...get to Walt's game a little late...watch his team lose...feel crummy about it on the drive home...frost Aaron's carrot cake...meet my family at Bertucci's for brick oven pizza...go home, blow out the candles, eat the cake, open the cards, go back home and finally inhale at like 2:30 am. Definitely not a relaxed birthday for Aar. But we'll make it up to him and go into the city when the weather warms up. That way, we can all take a two hour walk while he pores over the miles of books at Strand. He's crazy with the books. If he has errands to run, which is ALWAYS, he'll somehow manage to squeeze in a brief visit to Borders or Barnes and Noble. He doesn't buy the books...he just makes lists of the books he will eventually buy.
  Well his b-day was the 29th, I believe the same day as Oprah and maybe Tom Selleck, well that's what Aaron says all the time.
We're very excited to now offer ready to frame (read: affordable to all) prints of some of our favorite paintings. We're starting with a handful and will be adding more and more, day by day (over at Etsy). We're being selective about whichof our existing paintings we'll make into prints because we feel that some are just meant to come in the form of a wooden plaque. So of course we're really motivated to crank out some new frame worthy paintings and have one in the works that we absolutely love. It should be done by tomorrow!
Check out these super cute and cozy scrap hearts. They're made by Rachel Moorman aka Vintage Songbird, and she's earning extra credit because she's able to create and keep her Etsy shop in full swing while caring for her brand new baby at home! They're made of  like a million bits of vintage fabric in perfect colors and patterns. We've got one of her Valentine hearts and she was sweet enough to do a custom heart for us in our fave color scheme. You must visit her Etsy shop to see all her stuff...pillows, mini wreaths, etc...And Cozy is the perfect adjective to describe her wares. Pop in and see her...and be sure to tell her Jenny Sentcha! :)
Walt's hockey season is winding down to the all important Mayor's Cup and hopefully the playoffs. He's been having some back trouble once again...lot's ofpost game spasms. During games he works through the pain but his play is definitely affected. So he's sitting out of tomorrow night's game so his back is well rested for the following game. He's taking his mid-terms this week and I guess this is the time of year when kids start to talk about their after prom plans. I was surprised to hear that his school has a tradition of going to the Poconos after the prom. Now, I'm talking kinda geographically specific. I doubt anyone outside of the New York/ New Jersey area has any idea what the Poconos are. Well, it's the Pocono Mountains and back in the day it was THE honeymoon destination. (My parents included.) All I can think of is an aggressively advertised place called Mount Airy Lodge. In the 80's  they ran the commercials constantly. I'll know the song forever, and I know exactly what the honeymoon cabins look like, and the champagne glass & heart shaped hot tubs!! And the 70's and 80's hairstyles of the couples in love! Ask anyone from Jersey in my age range to sing the Mount Airy Lodge jingle and I'll bet they can.
   Since the commercials are now extinct I had to go on  
YouTube to see if I could find them...and of course, there they are...check them out for laughs.
   Well, after some googling I see now that Mount Airy Lodge is also extinct...knocked down and replaced by a huge casino!
  I owe you guys an update on my brother Jay. All of you were so nice to send so many well wishes when he needed it most. Right now he's looking and acting as healthy as can be so it's been hard for him to subject himself to any further tests. I mean, it's the natural thing to go to a hospital when you're ill, but when you feel alright it's the last place you want to put yourself. He's back to work full time and really feeling totally ok but some issues are unresolved. So after a lot of urging and nudging he's made an appointment for a liver biopsy. Seeing a liver specialist should be the last stop in the search for what's wrong with him. So he's got an appointment forFebruary 14th, so I told Jay that me and him have a date for Valentine's. I told him I'll bring the chocolates. He's super scared about doing the test. He's a tough kid but doctor stuff drives him crazy. I mean it drives all of us crazy but he reaches a manic point. The procedure sounds similar to the bone marrow test but the recovery time is longer. He'll have to lie on his side for two hours and he'll stay under observation for another 4 hours to watch for bleeding...poor kid. But I'll be there and if you guys would in spirit that would be so great!
Ok, to totally and completely switch gears....LOST! Tonight was the season premier and for the next eight weeks or so I can tell you exactly where I'll be on Thursday nights between 9 and 10 0'clock. I won't talk much about LOST because I know it's one of those love it or hate it shows. If you haven't been in on it since the beginning you loathe the idea of playing catch up. But I strongly advise you to get caught up if you are not. All the dvd's are at Blockbuster/Netflix. Anyway, LOST is known for it's flashbacks and this season they're flipping the script and it looks like we're gonna see lots of flash forwards! Ok,that's it on the LOST talk.
 I hope to show you the new painting within the next 48 hours or so. Til then, feast your eyes on my current faves from Flickr! I could stare at this all day!
 xoxo, Jenny