Fortune Cookies; Escapees

Stix n Brix, NC

I want to give a shout-out to some recent new followers; Carol who is a gray anonymous person, Ken & Cindy who we met at the RV-Dreams Rally last April and have followed their blog ever since then, Froggi Donna who’s blog I have checked in on many times over the past year or more, Kate who has a very nice blog, and Rick & Paulette who often add comments to many blogs that I follow.

I may have mentioned it before, but I enjoy reading the little sayings in fortune cookies.  Many of them are just plain goofy but some hit home with me.  I want to share a few recent ones, and no I didn’t eat all these cookies at one time.  “A small house can hold as much happiness as a big one.”  “Happiness isn’t something you remember, it’s something you experience.”  “Peace comes from within.  Seek it from yourself.”  “Any day above ground is a good day.”  I especially like that last one.  Smile

This past week, we took a formal step towards full-timing.  We joined Escapees.  I think every any-timer and full-timer should join them for a period of time.  We haven’t taken too many other steps towards our goal lately.  It’s just easier to hibernate during the winter plus we are adjusting to this new schedule.  Well there’s a good football game on tv so I’ll sign off for now.

Thanks for dropping by, and enjoy each day of your life’s journey by finding beauty in the ordinary.