Vintage Vacation Swap...extension announcement!

Summer is in full swing for many of you now, with the school year coming to an end and the kids home all day, I'm sure you've got Vacation on the brain! I wanted to pop in to let you guys know that I've been talking to many of the Vintage Vacation Swap participants and no one seems to have a problem with extending the ship date to July 15. We were originally shooting for July 1st but with all the actual vacations and the many roadblocks that took away from more than a few swapper's play seems like the 15th makes more sense. More time for crafting, making, shopping. The roadblocks I speak of mainly have to do with disappearing swap partners. After many an enthusiastic swapper sent multiple exploratory emails to their selected partners only to not hear back...I had to make some new matches. It's just so tough when a swap partner disappears. A lot of times stuff just emergencies...things like that. But sometimes people just sign up and blow it off for no apparent reason, leaving their would be partners talking to the wall. So these types of setbacks really cut down on the prep time for these poor swappers and I figured an extension was surely justified.
There were also a whole lot of spam folder mishaps wherein swappers thought they had deadbeat partners but it turned out that an equally enthusiastic reply email was collecting dust in a spam folder! That stinks. I have to say that it's been the trickiest swap that I've hosted yet. A lot of info and email addresses didn't lead anywhere...lots of typos etc, etc... But everything is shaping up now.
Aaron and me have been really really busy. We don't love the heat, so we don't really mind staying in all day working. The AC is great!

My sister Missy is just about 90% moved out of her apartment. She's not moving far away...about 2 minutes by car...but the days of yelling out our windows to see when the cupcakes are ready are over. Probably what we'll miss most about the end of the close proximity is little Jack's visits. Jack is Missy's adorable Papillon...well, we'd talk to Jack from our window and Missy could send Jack out her front door...he'd run down the driveway...come sprinting around to the front of the house where we up the front porch steps...and come flying in our open front door...come upstairs to our apartment and run all over the place. He'd visit for like ten minutes and then we'd send him back in just the same way. He was like a homing pigeon. It was maybe the cutest thing we ever saw. Missy has two pups...the other one is Sam..he is the cutest, tiniest, Chihuahua ever...but no way Jose could he ever be trusted to make the trip over here on his own. He'd somehow make a wrong turn at Albuquerque. So we'd have to visit with Sam on a window to window basis only.
(ps. the two pics above are of our bathroom in our last apartment...seashore theme, with stripes in tones of salt water taffy. Our current bathroom is on it's way to becoming the twin sister of our old bathroom...we just haven't had the time to paint yet. All the decor is vintage New Jersey at the shore...the souvenir plates are my fave! )

Above is me and Aar outside a diner in Wildwood, NJ. One of our fave places. I think we got pancakes after we took that pic...if it was the other way around we woulda been too full to pose for photos!

Another Wildwood mainstay...Laura's Fudge. I always forget that I'm in this photo, standing to the right of the front doors. This building is so fantastic! It is just magical at night all lit up. And inside is all the Fudge you can imagine and you can watch them make it!

Ok, just wanted to pop in for a swap update and a little summer inspiration. One last thing, my Nana has been in the hospital and she needs some good energy sent her way. She's been going through a lot and even though New York is right up the road a piece, it's not easy going in and out of the city, so it's been tough for the family to make the trip in. But everyone has been so faithful and supportive. So wish Nana all the best.

Thanks so much again for stopping by. I'll be back again soon!! xoxo, Jenny