Golden Girls

Stix n Brix,NC

I worked day shift this past week end and have been on night shift during the week.  Gin had her treatment on Monday and has pulled out her cape again to go help her folks put up walls and such to convert the office into a small apartment.  They need to have it ready for the electrician by Thursday afternoon.  More power to 'em.

I think everyone remembers the show Golden Girls.  It had such an air of truth about it.  My mom is 82 years young and is quite healthy and spry.  She knows her limits and looks out for herself.  I bring this up because she just got back from a week at Atlantic Beach, NC with 3 of her friends.  They had rented a condo.  I can just picture it being a little like the show at times.  I'm so glad she has those types of opportunities.  She had a pleasant surprise when she checked her voice mail as she arrived home.  One of my nephews called to announce that he is engaged and Mom couldn't be happier.  She has been blessed to have a great relationship with all of her grandchildren.

I follow quite a few blogs and check in on many others from time to time.  I am generally a quiet person so I rarely post a comment.  I just wanted to let it be known that I do read everyone's post and I appreciate the blog world.  I personally don't have it in me to make a daily post.

Time for me to get ready for work.  Until next time...stay safe.