Quiet Time

Today is Tuesday and neither of us knows where the time goes. Art and Janey left for Everglades National Park on Monday after having another pancake breakfast with us and its become quiet without everyone here. Saturday we went to the Pigeon Key Art Festival which has been kind of an annual thing and it was nice. Pigeon Key has been a variety of things from being a center for railroad workers when Flagler built all the bridges into the keys to an extension university for marine ecologists. Today it houses a museum and hosts a variety of events including the Art Festival. Below are a few pictures of the fair and the bridges to it.

A shot of the Arts Festival

Picturesque view of the bridges at Pigeon Key

In years past we would spend a great deal of time listening to the entertainment and drink a few beers while the girls shopped....This year shopping was quick and we had a quick lunch and ice cream instead.

David Feder a talented jazz musician entertained everyone.

Just a view to show you how small Pigeon Key is!

The title of this post was "quiet time" and I guess that relates to the catching up on things to be done...laundry, small repairs and general cleaning. We have spent the last few days doing just that and kinda sitting back after everyone left. Tomorrow we food shop and continue working on the coach.