One Month on the road

Wow! Weve been in the motorhome for a month now and it feels like its only been a few days to both of us. We really have been busy with a little business being done on my part and having friends and children and grandchildren visit. Its been really fun. In years past we would maybe go to Key West once during the time we were here but weve been there three times and enjoyed Pete and Wayne (see below) and seeing a lot of the same old things.

Pete and Wayne at Sloppy Joe's Posted by Hello

Marge and her friends Pete and Wayne.

Ross Sue Dave and Sandy left yesterday and Art and Jane are about to leave Sunshine key while we still have a few weeks left here. Maybe there will finally be time to do some fishing. We have been fishing a couple of times but the weather has not really cooperated. All you Northerner's will be interested to know we hit the high forty's last night but its supposed to warm up considerably in the coming days. Weve enjoyed our friends down here and its sad to see them leave. We had a nice dinner at Cabots on Thursday night which we all enjoyed...see pictures below of brown smiling faces.

Good Friends

As you may have noticed I've cleaned this up a little and am learning as I go about publishing this blog. I enjoy and hope you do too.