More Family at Cedar Point

Cedar Point CG (site #12)
Croatan National Forest
Cedar Point, NC

Doug and I decided to get up early today and take our hard kayaks for a paddle in the nearby sound.  There’s an NC Wildlife Landing near the bridge going over to Swansboro.  He did a little bit of fishing and caught 4 small ones.


I enjoyed just paddling around leisurely.  There was a working shrimp boat unloading their catch and doing some work.  Once again, the waves make it hard to get a good shot so I didn’t get the full height.


I loved watching the seagulls near the docks.  One house was watering the lawn and I could tell that this gull enjoyed the fresh water because he was standing right under the spray.

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Romain enjoyed the paddle too but didn’t know which way to go, stay near the docks or go to the nearby islands.  He said the water was awfully salty tasting too.

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One of those islands had a geocache on it in the past but not now.  It also has a large cross erected on one end that leads out to the Bogue Inlet which leads to the Atlantic Ocean.


After enjoying our morning paddle, we went back to camp and had a quick shower.  We joined Doug and Carla who fixed hot dogs for lunch.  My sister and BiL, Judy and Keith who live in Raleigh, called to say that they were on their way.  Once they arrived, we visited with them a little bit.  Judy and Keith wanted to go to the ocean to swim so I drove them over there since we didn’t know if the public parking lot would be full or not.  About that time, Gin’s parents arrived in their site so we helped them get set up.  They are taking a break from their doctor appointments and have some of their friends here with them to enjoy the beach.  After a little while, my other sister and BiL, Virginia and David who live in New Bern, pulled in.  We all visited some and I went back to the shore to pick up Judy and Keith.

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Hmm…notice how the women were enjoying the air conditioning inside the MH while the men are sitting out in the heat and humidity.   I called a nearby restaurant to see if they would save a spot for eight adults, and we all rode over to Captain Charlie’s in Swansboro for a delicious seafood dinner.  We enjoyed our food, but we enjoyed our family time even more.  Since Judy and Keith had a long drive ahead of them, they left before the rest of us did.  We still lingered in the parking lot before bidding farewell to Virginia and David.  After riding through the quaint seaside town of Swansboro with Doug and Carla, we came back to camp.  We walked our dogs and they came over for a game of Phase 10 cards.  It was a good way to wrap up another wonderful day.

Thanks for dropping by, and enjoy each day of your life’s journey by finding beauty in the ordinary.