There's a joke in the world of book publishing. When a literary agent comes across a manuscript and he reads a sentence that starts out: "And words cannot express how beautiful she was..." The agent immediately throws the manuscript in the trash. (Keep in mind that this is a literary joke, and by law it's nearly impossible to actually laugh at a literary joke. I know this because Aaron is a bibliophile and he's loaded with unfunny literary jokes : ) !!) But the point of this joke is that it's a writers job to find the words to express how beautiful the girl was. If he can't, then he's got no right submitting a manuscript. He's simply not allowed to say "words cannot express..."!
I mention this because right now it's MY JOB as a blogger, to express with words a whole lot of feelings that are virtually impossible to express with words! I'm speaking of trying to compose my response to you guys...you guys who nearly smothered me and Aar with your love and support. After I tearfully posted my last blog entry I then did like I always do: work work work and periodically take a seat at the PC to check up on comments. Over the next few days and right up until now the comments poured in...and not only were they large in number (73 and counting!) but they were large in HEART! I really don't know how to say what I need to say. My gratitude is IMMENSE, and my soul is full to the brim and ready to spill. I'm so tempted to say "words cannot express..." but as I said above...it's my job to come up with the words...even if words alone don't seem to be big enough to handle the task at hand... I'll give it a shot. It's a daunting proposition but I shall procrastinate no more...I'll start simple, with two very common but oh-so-heartfelt words: THANK YOU!!!!
Your comments are just so so so appreciated! I know my blog posts are usually bathed in prolixity, and this last one was especially so. At the end I tried to balance out all the text with a bunch of photos of our new ornaments...but still...chatty Cathy over here! I'm honored that so many of you took all the time to read the less than pleasant post. But what's so completely overwhelming to me is that so many of you posted such straight-from-the-heart comments. And LENGTHY comments! Me and Aaron read each and every one and there wasn't a dry eye in sight. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time out of your own hectic lives to share your personal stories and for backing us up in our decisions. You guys are at the absolute top of my list for Thanksgiving. I love the simplicity of this holiday. Sure, there are lots of traditions, practices, and history that go along with it ...but I like to boil it down to it's namesake. I seriously spend the entire Thanksgiving week just thinking about all the people that I'm thankful for having in my life. It's just so great to surround yourself with family and call up friends and just let them know that you couldn't possibly get by without them. My life is small and I've always survived on my small handful of friends, family and loved ones. But this year, that handful has grown...it's as tall and wide as a mountain. And that mountain is you guys. At this point I feel like I couldn't possibly get by without you guys. I have this blog...I open my world up to you all...and in return you all open your worlds to me. By sheer volume alone...you guys make it much more difficult for me to have a truly down in the dumps day. You guys are a cure that the big pharmaceutical companies will never get their hands on. You guys ARE my Thanksgiving this year!
Last weekend was tough...as busy as I tried to stay...I kept thinking..."wow, Silver Bella is happening right now." And there I was...working 'til the wee hours in our crammed studio. As we fought to get the work done, it was further evidence as to why we simply couldn't go. We are just so so behind with our orders and those seven days out of town would've destroyed us. But still...I knew that there was a whole lotta fabulosity going on in Omaha! And the proof trickled in over the next few days. I watched as gals got back from SB and posted their pics on their blogs and on Flickr. I read the stories and saw all the smiling faces. And really, it shoulda made me sad, but it didn't. I know I made the right decision in not going...I know it wasn't in the cards this year (and thanks millions for all you guys backing me up!!) But anyway, I saw the photos of SB and I was only happy. Everybody looked like they had such an amazing time and everyone looked so gorgeous in their prom dresses! Me and Aar looked through pics all week. Aar kept saying "look at that Aussie...she's a walking smile!" He was of course speaking of Natasha Burns. I've been keeping tabs on her around-the-world voyage and it's nothing short of stellar...she will have such memories! Also, Amy Powers' hot pink wig was awesome. It was thrilling to see what a fabulously tall gal Andrea Singarella is...again, the prom dresses were amazing. Those group shots...all those frilly pastels. And the pics I saw of what was for sale had me drooling!! If you haven't already, I insist that you scour the blogs in search of Silver Bells pics...you gotta see for yourself. So yeah, My frown really did turn upside down when I saw what a smashing time everybody else had! And you amazing gals who contacted me from SB...I can't believe you thought of me in the middle of the fabulous whirlwind! Got me all teary eyed!!!
And there's something I need to say. In my last post I expressed my utter distaste for the doomsday newscasters who just love to scare us all into thinking that we are on the verge of a second Great Depression. I know that these guys and gals are paid to keep you tuning in and listening...and what better way to do that then to yell "Fire!" It's just irresponsible sensationalism in place of "real news". But, that said, I do know that there is truth to what they're saying. I do know that people are really hurting. Not just us small time starving artists who rely on our day to day retail sales. But everybody. The people getting laid off...the people who are scared that they might be getting laid off soon...the people whose retirement portfolios took a giant hit...the people who work a second job around the holidays whose hours are getting cut back. It's all of us. We all are suffering. And still...even if my own personal sales haven't been so hot. I have to be seriously grateful to have the sales that we have. In fact, I'm more thankful than ever before. Because at a time like this your purchases mean so much more. When times are financially tough you don't go and just thoughtlessly and whimsically buy stuff. You put in a little more thought...a little more care. And the fact that during a time like this I'll have any sales at all completely melts my heart! So seriously, THANK YOU! All you guys who have picked up some ornies, some of our new prints, a kit or two....me and Aar can't thank you enough! We wish for our art to be a tonic...a bright spot in your dim day. If we can provide that...even a smidge of it...then we are truly honored to be able to do what we do.
I mention this because right now it's MY JOB as a blogger, to express with words a whole lot of feelings that are virtually impossible to express with words! I'm speaking of trying to compose my response to you guys...you guys who nearly smothered me and Aar with your love and support. After I tearfully posted my last blog entry I then did like I always do: work work work and periodically take a seat at the PC to check up on comments. Over the next few days and right up until now the comments poured in...and not only were they large in number (73 and counting!) but they were large in HEART! I really don't know how to say what I need to say. My gratitude is IMMENSE, and my soul is full to the brim and ready to spill. I'm so tempted to say "words cannot express..." but as I said above...it's my job to come up with the words...even if words alone don't seem to be big enough to handle the task at hand... I'll give it a shot. It's a daunting proposition but I shall procrastinate no more...I'll start simple, with two very common but oh-so-heartfelt words: THANK YOU!!!!
Your comments are just so so so appreciated! I know my blog posts are usually bathed in prolixity, and this last one was especially so. At the end I tried to balance out all the text with a bunch of photos of our new ornaments...but still...chatty Cathy over here! I'm honored that so many of you took all the time to read the less than pleasant post. But what's so completely overwhelming to me is that so many of you posted such straight-from-the-heart comments. And LENGTHY comments! Me and Aaron read each and every one and there wasn't a dry eye in sight. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time out of your own hectic lives to share your personal stories and for backing us up in our decisions. You guys are at the absolute top of my list for Thanksgiving. I love the simplicity of this holiday. Sure, there are lots of traditions, practices, and history that go along with it ...but I like to boil it down to it's namesake. I seriously spend the entire Thanksgiving week just thinking about all the people that I'm thankful for having in my life. It's just so great to surround yourself with family and call up friends and just let them know that you couldn't possibly get by without them. My life is small and I've always survived on my small handful of friends, family and loved ones. But this year, that handful has grown...it's as tall and wide as a mountain. And that mountain is you guys. At this point I feel like I couldn't possibly get by without you guys. I have this blog...I open my world up to you all...and in return you all open your worlds to me. By sheer volume alone...you guys make it much more difficult for me to have a truly down in the dumps day. You guys are a cure that the big pharmaceutical companies will never get their hands on. You guys ARE my Thanksgiving this year!
Last weekend was tough...as busy as I tried to stay...I kept thinking..."wow, Silver Bella is happening right now." And there I was...working 'til the wee hours in our crammed studio. As we fought to get the work done, it was further evidence as to why we simply couldn't go. We are just so so behind with our orders and those seven days out of town would've destroyed us. But still...I knew that there was a whole lotta fabulosity going on in Omaha! And the proof trickled in over the next few days. I watched as gals got back from SB and posted their pics on their blogs and on Flickr. I read the stories and saw all the smiling faces. And really, it shoulda made me sad, but it didn't. I know I made the right decision in not going...I know it wasn't in the cards this year (and thanks millions for all you guys backing me up!!) But anyway, I saw the photos of SB and I was only happy. Everybody looked like they had such an amazing time and everyone looked so gorgeous in their prom dresses! Me and Aar looked through pics all week. Aar kept saying "look at that Aussie...she's a walking smile!" He was of course speaking of Natasha Burns. I've been keeping tabs on her around-the-world voyage and it's nothing short of stellar...she will have such memories! Also, Amy Powers' hot pink wig was awesome. It was thrilling to see what a fabulously tall gal Andrea Singarella is...again, the prom dresses were amazing. Those group shots...all those frilly pastels. And the pics I saw of what was for sale had me drooling!! If you haven't already, I insist that you scour the blogs in search of Silver Bells pics...you gotta see for yourself. So yeah, My frown really did turn upside down when I saw what a smashing time everybody else had! And you amazing gals who contacted me from SB...I can't believe you thought of me in the middle of the fabulous whirlwind! Got me all teary eyed!!!
And there's something I need to say. In my last post I expressed my utter distaste for the doomsday newscasters who just love to scare us all into thinking that we are on the verge of a second Great Depression. I know that these guys and gals are paid to keep you tuning in and listening...and what better way to do that then to yell "Fire!" It's just irresponsible sensationalism in place of "real news". But, that said, I do know that there is truth to what they're saying. I do know that people are really hurting. Not just us small time starving artists who rely on our day to day retail sales. But everybody. The people getting laid off...the people who are scared that they might be getting laid off soon...the people whose retirement portfolios took a giant hit...the people who work a second job around the holidays whose hours are getting cut back. It's all of us. We all are suffering. And still...even if my own personal sales haven't been so hot. I have to be seriously grateful to have the sales that we have. In fact, I'm more thankful than ever before. Because at a time like this your purchases mean so much more. When times are financially tough you don't go and just thoughtlessly and whimsically buy stuff. You put in a little more thought...a little more care. And the fact that during a time like this I'll have any sales at all completely melts my heart! So seriously, THANK YOU! All you guys who have picked up some ornies, some of our new prints, a kit or two....me and Aar can't thank you enough! We wish for our art to be a tonic...a bright spot in your dim day. If we can provide that...even a smidge of it...then we are truly honored to be able to do what we do.

And speaking of doing what we do. This is a brand new painting and it's dedicated to all you guys. It's simply titled : "Cupcakes". We wanted to do something that expressed just pure happiness. Nothing complicated...no real story to tell. Just lots of confectionary perfection in fabulous colors stacked three tiers high. We've painted cupcakes for years and years...but this isn't a retread. This is like the perfect sweets painting that we always wanted to do. We've had the sketch tacked to our inspiration board for more than a year and finally picked away at it and got it done...over many nights when we were supposed to be relaxing, watching a movie, snacking...instead we did this. Because in the end we knew that this had tons more exponential happiness than a night on the couch. We thought this image could spread a lot of simple happiness. We're offering it in two sizes: 11" x 14"...which comes in a mat that measures 16" x 20"...so it's a big statement piece once it's framed. And we're doing it as an 8" x 10" matted print which is great in a kitchen or on a wall full of cake art. This is probably our favorite painting to date and we're excited that it's debuting as a matted print and is slipped in it's cellophane sleeve and ready to ship.

Which leads me to these. Lets call these spur-of-the-moment, impulse art. The cardboard Christmas house plaques were exactly that. I surrounded myself with materials and went to work...the mica flakes were the touchstone. I'm sure you've been there...you have a supply, an element, and you just NEED to use it...you need to feature it front and center in a project. That's how these houses came about. I only made four and probably won't make any more...the green one is already spoken for...so one down and three to go! The same idea goes for the new crafty take on our classic pink cupcake...I made only two of these and once they're gone that's it. But probably my favorite piece of impulse art is this cake on stage...titled: "Now showing...Chocolate layer cake!" This one is a slight departure for us as far as technique goes. Me and Aar both did this one...slid it back forth to each other across the worktable. Aaron cut out the curtain shape from a patterned paper and with a pencil he sketched on the details and gave it some definition with watercolors. It's just a simple piece but the colors and the feel of it is so folky...again, the mica flakes play a big role. Only one of these! You can find it here.

And one more thing I need to mention. We recently did this custom open/closed sign for a fabulous brand new bakery/boutique out in California named Cupcakery. We've known the owner for years and we know her style so it was easy to come up with a fitting design for her. Anyway, we had a great time doing and we know that a great open/closed sign isn't easy to come by. So this is a call to all of you bakery or boutique owners out there. We're available to do these and we can email back and forth with you...send us pics...color ideas etc...and we can come up with a fab custom design for your fab shop. Email me further inquiries. This one here measures 8" x 16" and is only super thin wood. It's two sided, hangs by ribbon and because it's lightweight wood it's perfect for if you got one of those suction cup hooks on your window. Just an idea...

Ok, it's my duty to wrap this one up. I'm eternally thankful to all of you who took the time to contact me after last post. I really wish I could email you back one by one by one...but I'd fall even farther down this pit of past due orders. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you...surround yourselves with those you love...if not physically, then spiritually...emotionally. You guys are all in my heart....XOXOXOXO, Jenny