Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! ...and WINNERS!

Ok, first off....I've got a message for any misanthropes out there: Quit your whining!...people are amazingly nice!!!
I cannot believe just how nice you guys are. Me and Aar read through all of your comments on the Blogiversary post (and the emailed comments from those of you who have AOL allergies : ) ) and we were both just so taken aback by how kind and generous and open and....gosh I'm just so completely flattered! Really, this isn't just girly gushing. I'm totally floored by all the kind compliments you've lavished upon me and my little blog. I really wish I could respond to each and every one of you at length but if I took the time to say all that I'd like to say...well, I'd be out of a job and living on the street! Or I'd have to spend a year without sleep! Thank you guys soooooo much! Believe me...I get more from you than you get from me!
I just wanna say...that whatever this blog provides for you; whether you stop by for the pictures, the links, the ramble on tales...or if I simply provide a brief respite from your humdrum workday. Trust's my pleasure and it's the least I could do. I live a fairly isolated, unexciting, low impact, whisper quiet, life. And I'm just so completely grateful that through this blog I'm able to open up the fourth wall and let you guys in. And more than that...if what I do here is even a teensy bit worth your while in the ways you've described in your comments, then I should sleep the sleep of a queen. (unfortunately, my anxiety disorder won't allow that! ; ) )
Well, really, I could go on and on but I'm already at the brink of superlative meltdown! So here's a few guys are the best! the sweetest! the greatest! the warmest, most fantastic group a girl could hope to invite into her artsy crafty world! down to business. There are winners to announce...a giveaway to be given away! I really did pick at random. It would be dangerous for me to do it any other way...if I had to pick from my fave comments I'd absolutely crack under the strain. So random is the way...And I won't hold back any longer...Here are the two winners of the Surprise Package full of sweet, vintagey, crafty, happy, lovely, things!
#36 CoreyMoortgat
#59 Amyelisedesigns
I've got your info and I'll be contacting you both shortly. Me and Aar will do are best to put together the ideal: Surprise Package full of sweet, vintagey, crafty, happy, lovely, things! for each of you!
Now, in reading the posted comments and emails I'd have to say that the overall favorite blog post was :Parcel or Bust (PART 2) from Sunday, Aug. 24th 2008. I hope Nancy, the fab proprietress of Parcel reads this...because she's the star of that show. No Parcel=No Post. The credit goes to her...I'm simply the messenger. But really, I'm so happy that so many of you shared your fave because it'll help me with future content. Now knowing how well you guys responded to the Parcel trip, it looks like I'll have to get out there and do some retail recon! Though I doubt I'll find a Parcel me, Parcel is even better than I've shown it to be!
And many of you expressed that you like the posts that involve me and my family... my bro's and sis and the boyfriends and the dogs. Thanks for means a lot to me. I could probably provide lots more in that department! Once I get out from under the piles of work I'll round up the troops and plan some excursions!
Alright, since I'm so tickled pink by so many of your comments I have to give a couple quick shout outs.
Shout out # 1: Gennifer Stueck, I LOVED your email! You are just too kind. Me and Aaron both loved how you repeatedly stressed your lack of computer knowledge : ) actually called yourself "a complete computer failure" ! Believe me, I can relate. Wrangling this wild beast of a pc is a day in day out challenge for me. And thanks so much for sharing so much about yourself. I felt like I was reading a favorite blog! I know you're focusing on opening up a bakery, but you have to set goal number two: Start a blog! Please do it...find a cousin who is a computer geek and have them set you up with a blog and a decent digital camera. It would be so cool to see an online journal of your bakery start-up! And I can't wait to meet your hometown pal Jenni Bowlin at Silver Bella this year...if she has room in her luggage we'll send her home with something for you!
Shout out # 2... what a funny comment...loved it!!! here's an excerpt from # 96:
"And please make my entry "sticky" so it sticks to your hand when you do the drawing, because I am really nice, and people that come to get help where I work are mean and say bad words and call us bad names! (I know I sound like a 2 year old, but I really am over 50) and thought I'd try this out instead of jumping off the top floor of the parking garage... it sounded more pleasant!

Seriously, I love your blog.


Shout out # 3...of course she's grossly exaggerating, but the sentiment is just way too's an excerpt from comment # 80 from Crystal:
" And I'm not alone when I say we all love it when we visit and see a brand new post with delectable new photos of your work, your environment, and your inspiration! :) It's like getting a Mary Engelbreit magazine in the mail!"
Get outta here! Your postman must rip out all the good pages of Mary E before he put's it in your mailbox! : )
Alright, I can't relive the kindness and flattery all night...One last big THANKS!!! to everyone, and now let me move on to the present tense.
Click here for a (silent & mini) VIDEO we took at Billy's. : )
Friday evening, Aaron was out running some errands and called me from his cell. He asks "Should we go into the city for some cupcakes?"...And at that moment we couldn't have been more in sync. There's an amazing wave of Fall weather here in Jersey and NYC and we've been cooped up for many consecutive days. An Autumn night in the city can be a cure-all for the most severe case of cabin fever or the blahs. I called up my little bro Walt...of course he was ready and willing as always...and we zipped in for eats, sweets, and some strolling down the crowded streets. You would not believe how many people flood the city in these perfectly temperate weeks of early Fall.
Well, as it turned out...our dinner was underwhelming...especially since we later realized that the San Gennaro festival was going on in Little Italy and we could've roamed from food cart to food cart and sampled the best Italian food vendors on the planet!! But...oh well...Billy's Bakery to the rescue. We got our cupcakes and all was remedied. I had Walt take some video of a Billy's employee frosting some cupcakes. There's no sound, and Walt actually filmed it from outside looking in...but still, there's something Zen about this little clip. Billy's cupcakes never ever disappoint.
Since moving to a new apartment I'm able to better appreciate some of my prized collectibles. Just starting fresh has put me in a position to do things the right way. Whereas in my old place a "piling on" method was beginning to take hold. Now I can clearly see what has a place and what does not. I really own way too much good stuff to fit comfortably in my new place and the idea of packing it all away for a distant future kinda makes me sad. Keeping all these magical little things out of sight is a crime so I decided to open up a new section in our shop dedicated to some of my fave flea market finds and all around good stuff. Here are some of my safety pin and bead baskets....the time and care put into these is remarkable...I love when they're full of flowers...those are hard to find! I've seen spreads in Martha Stewart and Country Living featuring these beauties. I've got about a decade's worth and they need good homes...I've got a bunch listed now and I've already packed up a pair of candle sticks and basket, addressed to their new homes where they'll have ample room to shimmer and shine. I'll be adding and adding to this section of the shop so check back often. I'll also have more and more one-of-a-kinds...some "upcycled" things, like the cake dome you see, which is already sold and headed off to our friend Rosanna in Italy. Stayed tuned for more like these and tons of vintage Christmas ornies are on the way. I listed a village worth of cardboard christmas houses and all butone have gone to new homes. The last remaining may be one of the cutest out of the'sjust that I forgot to list him!...the poor little guy! He's got fun polka dots, which you really don't find too often. The one thing most of my houses have in common is that they're fixer uppers. Rarely are the little cellophane windows not poked out by curious tiny fingers from the past.

I debated for a few minutes if I was gonna give up this little vintage Avon box. But the new streamlined Jenny won out...and my loss is possibly your gain. It's actually a box for Sweet Treat pink & Pretty cologne. The cologne bottle that was inside is a chocolate cupcake with a cherry cap that screws off. I decided that just offering the empty box was a bit uneventful so I figured I'd pack it with coordinating crafty bits:
-chubby pink rick rack
-vintage cocoa pom pom trim
-vintage pink velvet ribbon
- vintage red velvet ribbon
-tan vintage lace
-adorable striped ribbon(red, pink, white, tan, chocolate)
I hope to list a bunch like this...little inspiration packs with crafty bits and whatnot. This way, you can use the crafty bits and then you've got a fab box to put in your studio or even on a kitchen shelf.
And I just made up this new jar. Much larger than our other jars. We've only got two of these right now but we hope to stock up on more soon. Great for the kitchen or the craft room. Now on in our shop! :)
Lastly, this Flickr mosaic is my current obsession. I click back to it all day. It's another take on pink and aqua but this time less antiquey...more FUN. The Blythe doll is just too perfect!...and that cuuuuuute pink chair and relaxing pup! WOW!
Ok, congrats to the winners and my apologies to everyone else. You have no idea how much I'd love to send a box to all of you! Thanks so so much again!!! xoxo, Jenny