Happy New Year!!!!


I have so much to blog but I'm still not up to it. The Holidays are hard on shut-ins like me and Aaron. It's the one time of year when socializing is a must. We're so used to closing the blinds, locking the door, and working 'til the wee hours. But this socializing and lazing around is probably just the recharge our artistic brains require. Come January 2nd it's full steam ahead and no looking back. We've got tons of new paintings to finish and artistic mounts to conquer.
   I said two blogs ago that the next entry would be a give-away and I've not forgotten...this entry and the Christmas entry don't really count. So next real entry is a give-away. Right now I just wanted to pop on here to let all of you know that you've made this past year a waaaaaayyyyy better year than the previous! And I really really mean that! We've all talked so much, so many new friendships, contacts, sources etc... It was a very creative year, and not just for me. Lot's of new blogs were born... Lot's of brand new creative outlets for so many simmering talents. A bunch of online front doors opened up and invited in the masses to come see the artful wonders that had been blooming in obscurity all the while. And a great capper for this past year was Silver Bella! The experience of getting to meet so many like minded gals in one place is nonpareil! 
  Tonight we've got plans that go all over the place. We're gonna hit a movie...probably Juno. We're gonna drive all over Jersey with the Weird New Jersey book in our laps looking for all sorts of haunted, abandoned, freaky, and scary stuff. (yeah, it's a weird New Years tradition of ours.) We're piling into a minivan with little bro Walt, little sis Missy, her man Charlie, some plastic champagne stems, some sparkling cider, flashlights, maps, GPS, and maybe some snacks. We'll tune the radio in to hear the ball drop. No black ties and ball gowns but maybe some pushing the van out of a muddy rut in the woods...sounds glamorous! I'll let you all know how it goes. We're still contemplating our dinner options...cheap? or semi spensive? (yeah, that's how we say it...in a southern drawl) I've been saying cheap but Aar's now leaning toward semi spensive. And the "semi" is key...because we never ever go full blown spensive.
 Well, like I said. I'll most probably be posting for real on the 2nd. And I'll recap a ton of stuff and great gifts and art. Happy New Year to you all. I love ya's to bits!!! xoxo, Jenny