Happy Holidays!

Sometimes we'll do a piece of artwork, stand back and look at it, and kinda feel like we aren't the artists who painted it. Like we like it better than our own work. This is one of those pieces. I feel like this sign already existed...and I don't mean that we got the idea from somewhere else. I guess I feel so familiar with it because I had an exact vision of this finished product in my head for a week before even starting it. It sort of painted itself. I hope I'm not talking artsy fartsy mumbo jumbo. I guess I'm just trying to say (in a round-a-bout way) that I really LOVE how this one came out. And I LOVE having a blog so I can share my enthusiasm. In the days B.B. (before blog) I'd finish a piece of artwork and I had no way of sharing it...no opportunity to say: 'look what I did!' 
For me, that's the whole point of art. It's an act of sharing. And while I'm on this subject I want to thank all you gals who had such nice things to say about my little trio of houses from last post. You made my week! I loved doing them and I am hoping that  Cerri  will offer more soon,  so that some of you can do them up fab...and more importantly, show me when you're done!
So anyway, this new sign. ( now available on eBay and etsy!) Our little tribute to our beloved collection of Shiny Brites, Mercury glass, bottle brush trees, and cardboard Putz houses. It also brings to mind the gigantically fantastic vintage Christmas ball wreaths  that Jennifer Paganelli so expertly assembles. Her Sis Boom Holiday shopping event is this week and WE ARE GOING! Friday, I believe. Me and Aar cannot wait. She fills her house with magic and people come from all around and grab it all up FAST! I wish we could make it there on the first day so we can get while the gettin's good, but Walt has a hockey game on Thursday and Saturday so our only open day is Friday.  Go to Jennifer's blog for the info if you're in the tri state area. It's worth the trip, we drive 2 hours for it! We might see you up there!
Oh yeah, I want to mention that we're having a big holiday sale on all our stuff on ebay. Everything is 10% off, and some stuff was already marked down, so that means some stuff is real cheap right now. Old faves, new designs, personalized stuff...everything is on sale for the holiday shoppers out there. We're doing the sale through Sunday so check it out. And if the item you"re looking at is not coming up as 10% off for some reason, just contact us and we'll adjust the price.
Ok, just wanted to pop in and say "look at our new painting!" I'm currently painting a cowbell black because Walt's big season opener is tomorrow night, so I'm painting this bell black and orange (team colors) and I'm gonna decoupage a pic of Walt's head on one side. Yes, a bit obnoxious...and wait 'til I'm ringing the thing when Walt scores...super duper obnoxious! But it's his senior year and you only live once so I'm gonna make some noise for him while I have the chance! I'll let you guys know how it went.
Thanks again for the excellent feedback you send my way. And thanks to you Flickr gals! Don't you just ADORE Flickr!
xoxo, Jenny