I always catch myself saying "we got out of retail in 2003.", which turns out to be soooo untrue. Sure, that's when we closed our actual, physical storefront...but "out of retail" ?...no way! We are still so totally in retail. Only now, we work from home and there are no set hours of operation.
So just like everybody else who works in retail, the Christmas season is not a "holiday" at all. This is the time of year when work triples and deadlines become much more solid and demanding. And it's not the 25th that we're worried about. Because besides gifts, we make Christmas decorations. That means we gotta deliver with enough pad time so that our cherished collectors can put our work on display for at least a few days prior to Christmas day!
I guess I'm trying to explain my extended absence from this blog. We've been sorta buried! And grateful for it...but still, it's no holiday! haha.
The Sis Boom event was like a week and a half ago but I still have to recap. Jennifer Paganelli's neighborhood is so quintessentially Connecticut... and for those of you who have never been to Connecticut, I mean : winding, wooded roads of old beautiful homes with classic architecture and century old stone walls twisting and turning over hillsides of rich moss green lawns. Just as we arrived a cottony snow started to fall and accumulate, which made this perfect setting even more so...and then we experienced the winter wonderland indoors!
The explosion of color hits you first. And then your eyes take in the glitter, and then the pattern, and then the abundance of amazing stuff, and then the rapturously scented candles...and then you realize that all of this stuff is for sale!! Really, SO MUCH STUFF! The vintage ornament wreaths are show stoppers, but the star is her fabric line, which adorns all shapes of clothing, accessories, and handcrafts. And Jennifer happens to be our great friend so the trip is allllll frills! I've posted here only a tid bit of what you'll see at Sis Boom. That one pic is Jen's daughter Katie holding our Dreaming of a White Christmas kit that she completed after Jen brought it home from Silver Bella. She's flanked by a cute duo of "Connecticut girls", as my brother Walt refers to them. We came home with a lot of stuff, some of which I cannot show because they are gifts for my sister Missy and although she's not an avid blog reader, I just know she'd end up seeing her gifts!
But check out the "sweet girl" banner, revamped "angel" and my vintage Christmas card basket!! They all are right at home here in the apt.!
This is the bounty I received from the vintage Christmas stocking swap, hosted by the mega cute Mary Ann McKeating. She's been really patient with me. I got so tied up with doctor appointments and post Silver Bella catch up work. I send to Mary Ann, and Analise sent all this to me!
I was incredibly spoiled by this endless box of holiday cheer. First off...the stocking is outstanding!! Made of vintage summer sheets, which match the tote bag I already own from Analise!(which I've posted here.) Awesome vintage ornaments, how cute is that 'lil lollipop!? An assortment of holiday scrapbooking papers, some magical snowflakes, and a bag full of super sweet bits and bobs for crafty projects. And probably my favorite of the lot is this ritzy piano ornament! Great swap! I'll put up pics of what I sent Mary Ann soon.
I received this vintage dollhead from my sweet sweet friend Kim over at Dear Daisy Cottage. If you know her then you already know that her blog is a story book and an ode to her incredible 1922 Bungalow. Her design skills are off the charts (or chain, for you youngins') . Just to be able to follow her room to room, season to season is a gift in itself. She's got a tight color palette...sunny yellow, bright red, and classic black and white. Love her style...and her pup Maggie just makes me melt! It's soooo nice that Kim thought of me while at a flea market where she picked up this little guy. He'll be right at home here along with his other adopted siblings.
Soon to come will be pics of our own Holiday display and tree! Two years ago, it was pink walls, Last year was tan, and this year an antique aqua so it's a BIG change! Can't wait to see the photographic evidence myself!
Tomorrow night we're going in to NYC to celebrate my sister Missy's birthday a day early since Tuesday night the 18th is Walt's big big hockey game. We're going down to Little Italy for dinner at Vincents and then heading up to Bryant park to shop the holiday tents...wait'll you see pics of this temporary shopping village and ice rink they put up each year at Bryant Park...it's magic! Jacques Torres hot chocolate! Which will be very necessary in the predicted 24 degree windy weather. Afterwards we babysit her pup Jack for the night because she's staying overnight in the city to go to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. I'll have pics of whatever I can manage, though none of my sure to be wind bitten pink face! Don't you just hate how the cold will give you a rudolph nose?!
Next entry will be a give-away! Just not exactly sure yet what we're giving away...but be on the lookout!