Ok, for real. Silver Bella was by far THE most rewarding career experience we've ever had! Over the years we've done so much stuff and so many times we've walked away feeling that we put in way more than we got out. I mean, don't get me wrong, the lead up to Silver Bella was comprised of a lot of blood sweat and tears (aka, airline travel), but once we got face to face with everyone in Omaha all our troubles instantly faded away. You know, I have so much to show and tell and I'll have to stretch it over a few posts because we came home to an obliterated apartment....no, not a break in. It was us who were the obliterators! We've got stacks and stacks of supplies, packing materials, half done art, glitter, sequins etc... littering every inch of this place. So I'll have to flip back and forth between blogging and organizing. I guess this entry will be a brief overview.
Where to start? Ok, I'll start with Teresa McFabulous. You know her blog, you know her universe, and it's all so wonderful...well, in the flesh she lives up to every bit of it. First off, wow, she's adorable, lookswise and demeanor. Before this weekend I had only spoken to her via email. She has the sweetest little voice and the most inviting presence...a born hostess. Everything was so well organized and appointed. If you were thirsty...there were drinks! If you needed Mod Podge...here's two buckets. You need glitter...we got glitter! Also, her husband was great. We got a late start because of some horrific travel incidents and Mr. McFabulous was there to help us catch up...getting us down to the opening luncheon with just enough time to be formally introduced as well as holding back the crowd at vendor night 'til we got set up. Ok, I can gush about Teresa and fam for a while but like I said...this is an overview.

Next, the classes. The best part. Full of familiar names and faces as well as the brand new. I met a lot of blog lurkers who actually got to de-lurk in person. The teaching part was great! I'd say it was less like teaching and more like swapping ideas. So many ladies came stocked with their own arsenal of goodies to add to our projects. I wish I got pictures of each amazing piece of artwork but our camera never left my purse. For many, our design was just a starting point for their own dazzling finished products. All sorts of applique and trims came flying out of craft bags! And some, did the kit almost exact to our instructions, like Cari Kraft who so eloquently said "I can put my own stink on anything, any day, Let me for once, do something the way somebody else does it." (And yes, Cari is bathing in wit. ) All in all, I think the "students" came away with something...at least a good time, lots of chatting, barrels of laughs, and some woman to woman bonding for sure. I'm so astonished that most of these girly girls are MOMS! And moms of grown kids. Aar was in a sea of lookers, haha!
Ok, now to let insecurity rear it's ugly head... There were so so many pics taken with me in the frame and I'm not exactly a huge fan of the camera when it's aimed in my direction. I knew I'd get home to the computer and cringe cringe cringe once I saw the Flickr uploads. I'm calling myself the "beast from the east". How many acorns am I storing in those cheeks?! Aar, says that my thicker than usual appearance is due to a clothing choice and that the collar of my sweater is doing me a grave injustice. I see what he means but still, let the post Silver Bella diet begin. Well let it begin tomorrow, because after I post this we're piling in the car for our virgin voyage to the brand new Sonic...Jersey's first Sonic. They've been teasing us with commercials for years and now we finally have one in driving distance...that is, an hour away! ha!
Ok, Maybe this will be less than an overview. Lets call this post a blurb. My stomach is growling for Sonic. I've been asked about the availability of our kits and just today I've put them up for sale on Etsy. I plan on taking some more pics of them with the supplies all splayed out on the table. With the Let Them Eat Cake kit there are a few more patterned papers inside the kit that you do not see in the photo of our finished product. We included these so you could have a bit more freedom with your design. The instructions are very detailed since Aaron once moonlighted as a copywriter. And if you get yourself a kit feel free to email us with any questions as you work on your piece. Aar loves to give out helpful hints.
Also, this is a big also. I would LOVE if any of you gals that took our class at SB to send pics of your own finished pieces and send 'em to me to post up here and on Flickr! Also, same goes if you get a kit now and do it.
My mind is still spinning from meeting all these WONDERFUL gals. Cari Kraft, Maija (pronounced Maya), Kari Ramstrom...geeez how lovable, Hope...same goes, Melfie...same goes for her too, Kimla, Amy Inspire co., Pam Garrison, Charlotte Lyons, Lonnie, Jessi Nagy, Jennifer Hayslip, Natalie Hansen, Heather Bullard,Dede, The Updegraff/ Popin girls, just too many to name, but all now have a story and a voice and a laugh attached to them.
Ok, now for the photos you see here. The abundance of yellow is clashing with my blog. First off, the hotel had a yellow color scheme and even when that wasn't the case my sis just so happened to be clad in a yellow dress!
I must go eat but will post more in the coming days. You have to go check out Artsymama and Amy Inspire co. for more Silver Bella stuff. Those two are blogging machines. Ohhh and the Silver Bella flickr group!!!
Back soon with lots more!!
xoxo Jenny
Aaron sends lots of love too!
ps..back tonight to turn all these names into link..LOL!!...sonic is calling me!