Wow, we've never ever been so late with our Halloween stuff! I'm totally blaming the disgusting New Jersey weather. It has been in the 80's and humid! It's just soooo wrong! We've got some new haunted designs in the works and I'm really praying for the 30 degree temp drop to come soon. I've got a couple of Halloween swaps that are late so sorry partners!!. I am doing my very best to make your packages spooktacular! Anyway, I hope its full-on Fall wherever you live, and I hope our Halloween offerings move you even further into the spirit. I've been asked a bunch of times when I'd be listing some of these, so some of you you may be happy to hear that they are all available on Ebay as well Etsy. : )
Update on my little bro Jay...His numbers still aren't great and he needs another test. He's in good spirits otherwise, trying to eat heartily, getting sun and air and trying to sleep in as much as possible. He's taking shots of Noni, which smells bad and he says it tastes as bad as it smells. My little bro Walt does the Noni shots too in solidarity. Walt chews a piece of gum as a chaser to quickly kill the taste! The two of 'em are doing protein shakes, vitamins...the whole bit. It's makes me smile. I want to thank everyone again, your thoughts and prayers mean so so so much!!! If you could keep them coming that would be the BEST!
I promise to focus more on the blog once we've got some things squared away. The countdown to Silver Bella has begun and we're neck deep in the preparations for that! More new stuff soon, promise!
xoxo Jenny