Hi Friends,
I have a favor to ask of you. Jason (the middle of my younger brothers) was admitted into the hospital on Thursday. He had been feeling ill on and off for a bit of time and finally decided that he needed to go to the emergency room when he had consistent high fever, loss of appetite, etc. If you could/would send good thoughts and prayers his way that would mean so much to me and much more importantly, to him. As a family we're still not sure what's exactly wrong with him. He underwent lots and lots of tests and the results aren't due back 'til Monday or Tuesday. It's impossible for the mind not to wander into worst case scenarios but we're all facing this with positivity and hope that whatever is wrong is manageable and passing. He's the type of kid who so much likes to be surrounded by friends and family and these next few days will be rough because for his health's sake his doctors are ordering that he limits contact with others. We will all be with him in spirit and take our turns seeing him 24/7. I know I owe so many of you emails. And lots of work and orders are running a bit behind, but we're chipping away. Thanks so much to all of you for being in my bright corner. I'll be sure to keep you all informed.
xoxo Jenny