North Bend State Park (WV)

Aug 2-6, 2012
(Another state but still catching up.)

Cairo, WV
North Bend State Park
Cokeley CG site 25

There are two cg’s at this state park.  River Bend is better suited for smaller rigs that can handle hairpin turns and low branches.  We opted for the big rig friendly Cokeley CG.  It’s also walk-in only so it was no problem getting adjoining sites since we arrived on Thursday.
Cokeley CG-North Bend State Park (WV)  Cokeley CG site 25-North Bend State Park (WV)

I got back in the habit of my morning power walks and one morning I counted 21 deer in separate herds!  I like to see that kind of wildlife while I walk.  I’m sure that the deer think I’m crazy but it makes me smile.

We chose this park because there is a Rail Trail that borders the cg.  The four of us packed our lunches and set off for a hot day on the trail.  It is a 72 mile trail but we rode a little more than 14 miles and called it a day.  It’s pea gravel instead of paved so it wore us out.  Here is where it adjoins the state park.
North Bend Rail Trail (WV)

There is a 353 foot tunnel right at Bonds Creek near the park.  In 1956 a train wrecked as it emerged from the tunnel and it went into Bonds Creek.  The engineer and fireman were killed and 45 other folks were injured.
Bonds Creek Tunnel (353 feet long)  Train Wreck in 1956

We rode our bikes past Cairo to the next tunnel in that direction.  It is the 1376 foot long Silver Run Tunnel and it is said to be haunted.  Glad we had flashlights and our head lights!  It was dark in there!
Gin, Tricia and Syl at Silver Run Tunnel (1376 feet long)  Dan checking out the rocks at Silver Run Tunnel

We enjoyed the spots of shade and it was nice to slow down and enjoy the rock formations that were blasted to create this railway in the mid 1800’s.
Rock Formations

On our way back to camp, we stopped in the little town of Cairo to have some ice cream and stretch our legs.  The ice cream shop had just opened for business that morning.  The woman working the counter struck up a conversation with us when we mentioned that we were staying in the cg.  She had given some water to Howard and Linda of RV-Dreams a couple of years ago and still follows their blog.

The town of Cairo has a rich history but unfortunately it seems to have a poor future.  It was an oil boomtown in the mid 1800’s and the railroad brought in supplies for the growing town.  I loved some of the unusual architecture and the way they are trying to preserve it with the Rail Trail.
Cairo WV map from 1899  P1000318

I liked the Town Square and the old Hardware Store…
Town Square-Cairo WV  Cairo WV old Hardware Store
but I especially liked the old Bank of Cairo.
Old Bank of Cairo WV Building
Great Architecture  Unusual Architecture

It was a great bike ride but we were worn out and just relaxed for the rest of our stay here.  I think we were all happy to be away from the big crowds of Niagara and in more natural surroundings.

Thanks for dropping by and enjoy each day of your life’s journey by finding beauty in the ordinary.