Instagram cupcakes #2...and a Winner!!

Hey Sweetpeas!

Hoping your week is off to a fab start! Aaron and I are happily painting away in the studio adding to our growing collection of Instagram inspired paintings. We are having soooo much fun with these! Here is our latest, "Cupcakes #2" now in the shop, and already a handful spoken for. Thanks guys! :) The next painting in the collection is sure to make some of you very happy! We have received so many emails and requests for these certain Parisian sweets, which happen to be a BIG fave of ours as well. Stay tuned ;)

It's time to announce our lucky winner in the Margarita Bloom Giveaway!!!

A Very Big Hooray!! for...Lost Cabin Vintage!

Thank you so much to Margarita Bloom and all of you lovelies who entered and helped to spread the word!

Don't be sad about not winning...we have some super fun giveaways lined up! :)

Be back soon!
xo Jenny