Tutorial Thursday: Par-tay Potatoes (aka Funeral Potatoes)

This weekend I tried two of Julie's favorite recipes - Toffee Crack and Santa Fe Soup.
So I started to wonder, what favorite recipe I could share with you.
And after much deliberation, I settled on Funeral Potatoes.

In the world that I live in Funeral Potatoes are a staple at funerals.
Thus the name Funeral Potatoes.
No joke - if there is a funeral within the church congregation - funeral potatoes are served.
Well, my husband happens to love them
and doesn't think they should only be served at funerals.
Whenever we get together with his family for a big dinner,
most everyone wants them.
However, my mother in law hates that they are called funeral potatoes.
It's just too depressing a name for her liking.
So she is out to change the world and call them PARTY Potatoes.

Well, today I'm out to spread the {love} that is funeral party potatoes.
But I'm taking it one step further and calling them PAR-TAY Potatoes.

If you want to join in the PAR-TAY Potatoes Revolution,
here's what you'll need:
andand CHEESE!
How did I forget to take a picture of the cheese???

Here are the measurements:
1 (32oz) bag of frozen shredded hash browns
2 (10 3/4 oz) cans cream of chicken soup
2 cups sour cream
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup chopped onion (if you like onions)
2 cups corn flakes
2 T butter, melted

Combine soup concentrate, sour cream, cheese, onion and melted butter.

Gently blend in potatoes.

Crush the cornflakes.

Combine the crushed corn flakes and 2 T of melted butter.
Dump the potato/soup concoction into a 9x13 pan.

Sprinkle buttered corn flakes on top
and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
PAR-TAY Potatoes!
What's your family's favorite recipe?
Care to share?

I'll be linking up HERE!