Wonderful Wednesday: Valentine's Day Dinner Ideas

I'm not usually too fancy with dinner,
but last year I wanted to do something fun for Valentine's Day.
My kids and hubs {HEART} pizza
so originally I thought I'd make a heart shaped pizza.
But then I was lazy
(like I said - not a fancy dinner maker)
and I didn't want to make pizza dough.
So I got this crazy idea to take my tiny cookie cutter
and cut the pepperoni into little hearts.

And voila! I had a fancy dancy lovey dovey pizza!
It even baked up super cute.
I was worried the pepperoni would get all shrively
and look like withered nothingness.
I also made my infamous
{LOVE} Potion.
It's always a big hit.
It's really complicated and fancy.
You might not want to even attempt it.
Shhh. . . don't tell anyone and I'll give you the secret.


Strawberry soda and vanilla ice cream.
That was rough.

Oops . . . don't forget the bendy straw!I'm linking up HERE!!!