New Work Schedule..198 Days left!!

Stix n Brix, NC

Today is my one day off instead of the usual 7 days off.  My new "work all the time" schedule starts tomorrow.  I've worked the old schedule for so long that my body will physically have a hard time adjusting to a month of day shifts and then a month of night shifts.  The old schedule went something like this; 4 nights,  off 3,  3 days,  off 1,  3 nights,  off 3,  4 days and then off a glorious 7 days!  These are all 12 hour shifts.  It was alot of flipping back and forth but it was well worth it to get a week off every month without taking time off. 

The new schedule is 2 on,  2 off,  3 on,  2 off,  2 on,  3 off,  2 on, 2 off,  3 on,  2 off,  2 on,  3 off.  These are also 12 hour shifts.  I'm not looking forward to a month of night shifts, but I don't like getting up real early for a month of day shifts either.  So if you ever encounter a grumpy cop, just remember that they don't know if they are coming or going.  Oh well, at least I'll only have to work it for a few months before I retire! 

On this schedule, we won't be taking the MH to the beach or lake or anywhere other than the RV-Dreams Rally in April.  We will use our time here at the house to get rid of stuff and put it on the market.  That's looking on the bright side of things, isn't it.  We try do see things in a positive light as often as possible.  I have always thought that a person chooses to be happy.  Life dishes out some tuff stuff sometimes, but it's all about how we handle it.  Many years ago when Gin was diagnosed with MS and could no longer work, we chose to think positive.  Sure we would have less money, but we would have more time together than most couples.  I know many couples out there who barely see each other during their working lives and upon retirement, find that they hardly know one another.  Throw in a totally incompatible work schedule, and it's no wonder that divorce is rampant with military and emergency personnel.  Well time for me to do a few things before I go to work early tomorrow.

Thanks for dropping by, and enjoy each day of your life's journey by finding beauty in the ordinary.