New Tires

Stix n Brix
Clayton, NC

Baby got new shoes!  Well, actually, Wanda’s got new wheels.  I’ve taken our vehicles to Clayton Tire for the past 20 years for regular maintenance and feel comfortable with them.  We put the same tires on as the original, Michelin 245/70R 19.5 XRV.  They have a load range F which means they are 12 ply.  I asked Terry Hardee, the shop owner to see if he could find some that same size but with a higher load range since we will probably be a little overweight (the MH too) when we start full-timing in it in the Fall.  He checked with his supplier and said that what we had was best.  He found some with a load range H (16 ply) but the tread just wouldn’t be right for a MH.  Here’s Charles getting started on Wanda and taking off one of the front tires.

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It sure looks different without the hubcap and really naked without the wheels.

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Did ya notice the shiny new brakeworks on the front wheels?  Here’s a peek at the inner rear wheel and another naked shot. 

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The guys really had to put some muscle into it to get the new tires on the wheels.  The stickers will soon wear off of these new tires.  The manufacture date is 4810 (48th week of 2010).

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I know these weren’t very exciting pictures but I haven’t used the camera in a while.  Besides, we spent more money on these six tires ($2400) than we did on all the gas and cg fees last year combined.  The old tires were more than 7 years old.  Hopefully she’ll be safe for quite a while.

Thanks for dropping by, and enjoy your life’s journey by finding beauty in the ordinary.