Fourth with Folks

Sunday afternoon we drove to Roanoke Rapids to spend the Fourth with my family at my brother Doug’s home on the lake.  It was a warm but not so humid day so it was very nice by the water.  We paddled the kayaks around and floated in the water while others spent time chatting on the boat dock.  Here’s Gin, SiL Carla, Mom and BiL David.


Doug and Carla are fortunate enough to have their own small boat launch.  We all enjoyed a ride around the lake.  Even though I grew up here, I think this was the first time I did that.


My sister Virginia really knows how to relax in the water, and BIL Keith and sister Judy enjoyed the water too.

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This is the nice view from the boat dock.  The dam is right across the way.  When the lights come on at night, it looks real pretty.


Since my birthday was just a couple days ago, I got some birthday cards.  I got a special one from Virginia.  It seems her math was a little off.  I got a “Happy 50th” a year early.  We all got a good laugh from it.  There are 3 holidays that have always meant good times with the family.  They are Thanksgiving, Christmas, and July 4th.  Unfortunately, my work schedule has made me miss a lot of those special events with the family.  I sure enjoyed this one.

We got back to Gin’s family and I have spent today giving moral support to those who know how to build things.  Here’s Gin, her father Odie, and brother Butch.


This is a rather full driveway.


And here’s the reason for all this hubbub.  I think they will call him Nicholas.  He’s been a good baby and has a head full of hair.


It’s been real dry here but there are still some pretty flowers to enjoy.

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Hope everyone has had an enjoyable holiday.  Stay safe as you travel and I’ll see ya down the road.