Where's the Cape?

Stix n Brix, NC

It's been pretty much the same stuff, different day for me here.  While I've been working night shift the past few nights, Gin has been helping her folks.  They had a huge yard sale Saturday (100 degrees) and have been clearing things out of the backyard office building in order to turn it in to a small apartment for Nick and Becca (the grandson and his girlfriend).  Their baby is due in a couple of weeks so there seems to be a deadline.  It'll be nice for Gin's folks to have a small apartment there for  later in life should they find a reliable person to maintain the yard and help out a little when they have a hard time taking care of things.  Can you say workcamping location?

Gin amazes me.  She really pushed herself while we were in the mountains and she pushed herself even more while helping her folks.  When she came home, I could tell that she was truly exhausted.  Her MS has pushed her around a bit but she has pushed it right back.  I've been looking for her cape for the past several years but can't find it.  What cape?  Her Wonder Woman cape, of course.  :)  She may go back to help her folks again this week end while I work day shift.  It depends how much the plumber gets done.

It's been so hot and humid here that I hate to go outside, but I've got some errands to run.  Check back later.