Checking the Area

Cascade Lake CG site #P4
Pisgah Forest, NC

After getting caught in that storm yesterday on the lake, we decided that we wouldn’t go out there today.  We had put a hummingbird feeder out yesterday evening and it didn’t take them long to find it.  We may need to refill it before we leave.


I saw that family of Canada Geese feeding on the bank at an empty campsite so I grabbed the camera to give it a try.  You’ll notice that at least one of the adults kept their head up and alert at all times.  I got hissed at when I got a little too close.

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The young family that is camping next to us enjoyed getting a little closer to the geese.  They were also feeding them a little bit of bread.


Gin and I took a walk to the end of the road.  There is a path through the woods to an old log cabin that is falling apart.  It had electricity and indoor plumbing at one time but the roof had fallen in a long time ago.  We saw these Mallards getting all pretty for each other as we came back to the MH.

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And this squirrel found a mushroom or something to eat on.


I drove to the campground office to chat with the host some, and she told me that the old log cabin was owned by the older gentleman that owned all this property at one time.  It was just a cabin in the woods with a beautiful view of the lake.  This property was developed by the Cascade Power Company and we wanted to see the dam.  We had paddled towards it last year but didn’t go close because of the warning signs.  We know there’s a very curvy gravel road on the other side of the lake, and we were told that the dam is visible from there.  We decided to take a little trip in the Suki.  Glad this turtle was already across our lane.  He was big and I’m sure he would bite if you were to try to pick him up.


We found the dam.  I had also heard that a grist mill used to be here.  It was so steep, I don’t know how anyone could get down there and back up.


This gravel road was in pretty nice shape, but you could tell that the driveways to peoples homes weren’t in that good of shape after all the recent rain.  This drive was almost like hiking in the woods but driving instead.  It was so lush and green.  There was a little stream running beside the road.  There are about 250 waterfalls in this area but only a few are easy to get to.  Gin got a shot of this private waterfall.


Luckily that gravel road opened up at a paved road that we were familiar with.  We went to a produce stand and got some fresh vegetables for supper.  They also had homemade brownies and I can’t resist.  It was a good way to end another great day in Sylville.