CG Trail

Cascade Lake CG site #P4
Pisgah Forest, NC

Saturday was indeed a day of rest for us.  I did refill the hummingbird feeder.  They have enjoyed it and we have enjoyed watching them.  We only have one male visiting for every five female visitors.  I’ll need to fill it again on Monday.  We spent  a little time on the laptops and had a grilled steak for supper.  There are a lot of families here for the week end and they are having a good time.

Sunday started at a slow pace.  I paddled around the lake for about an hour.  I also struck up a conversation with a volunteer host couple here, Linda and Howard Jackson.  They told me about a nice little walk through the woods behind the swim lake.  It was less than a mile and not very hilly.  We decided that was about the right pace for us this afternoon.  As we got to the backside of the swimmin’ hole, we saw the family of geese.


We saw some interesting plants on the ground.  The first that caught my eye was the ground cedar.  I’ve seen it in the woods before, but I had never heard a name for it.  Linda had told me what it is called.


She also had a name for the other interesting plant we saw.  It is the Indian Pipe plant.  Howard told me a brief Cherokee story of the origin of the plant.  Basically the Great Spirit punished some tribal chiefs by changing them into these little flowers since they were smoking the peace pipe even though there was no peace.  Here's is a link to that story.  The little flowers have no chlorophyll.


This hike was much easier than the one to Courthouse Falls.  It hadn’t rained here yet today so it wasn’t wet or slick.  Yes, Smudge walked a couple hundred yards before I carried her the rest of the way.

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Here’s a good carpet of ground cedar.


We got cleaned up good and went out for supper at Twin Dragons in Brevard.  They have a good Chinese buffet.  I ate too much of course.  The CG has thinned out for the next few days.  We hope to have a few more adventures before leaving here.