Need a break

Stix n Brix, NC

I've been working 12 hour days every day since Saturday and I've still got a couple more to go then I get a 7 day off break. Gin's been busy too. Today she cleaned up the garage since we decided to wait until Fall to have another yard sale. It is so nice to have room to walk around the two vehicles and a lot less clutter in the house. She gathered up her china and glassware to give to one of her nieces who is getting married this weekend. She will also get another gift.

We need a vacation. We put the kayaks on top of Suki in the new hullavators and it still fits in the garage. I took the MH to the gas station and put a Benjamin in the tank so we're just about good to go. Gin has done all the other prep work this week so we can go to the beach near Cedar Point Thursday afternoon. Her cousin Pam will join us there. She is about 34 months from retiring and she is thinking seriously about full-time rving too. She was raised in a family that enjoyed camping also. She has a weird schedule too and needs a break from life's stresses. We are all looking forward to letting the waves bury our feet in the sand while we let our worries blow away in the ocean breeze. A campfire would be nice too. Until then...