Mundane between trips

Stix n Brix, NC

I've been busy with work the past few days, but I did get a chance to take the MH to the dealer to finally get a new set of springs on the lazy jack on Wednesday.  I had called them in early April and was told that they would have the springs ready for us when we got back from our trip to the RV-Dreams rally.  The leveling jack was not coming up at all and we had to manually pull it up.  It didn't stop us from going to the rally or to Cedar Point though.  ;)  Well I was pleasantly surprised when it was installed in only about 30 minutes and he didn't charge me.  He said the jack was still slow so we needed to work it a few cycles to see if it helps.  It may need a new solenoid.  I'm sure that'll take a few days and it won't be free.  If that's the case, we might wait until winter to get it fixed.

I spent Wednesday afternoon doing some yard work.  The grass sure needed to be cut and I trimmed the rose bushes back.  It's rained a lot since then so the grass will need it again soon.  I won't miss that vicious cycle when we hit the road next fall.  After working an off-duty job Wednesday night, I took Gin to her doctor's office Thursday afternoon for her IV treatment.  She had prior approval from her new HMO doctor this time so we don't have to go through delays now.  That has taken a bit out of her but today her energy level has improved.

I worked day shift this week end and threw in a extra job on Saturday evening.  These extra jobs are a nice way to bring home a little more cash now and in the future.  It adds to my retirement income also.  It's basically based on the highest four years of income.

We are planning to visit with our folks tomorrow and then I have three night shifts ahead of me.  Memorial Day week end is coming up and I know a lot of people are looking forward to a vacation.  We are too, but it'll be right after Memorial Day.  We are going to the NC mountains and we can hardly wait!  Until then, let's all stay safe.