Treatment and catching up

Stix n Brix

Gin is resting now after her treatment. I have sneaked in a little nap also. It's not any fun for me to change from night shift to day shift all the time but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train! I think it's... a motorhome!

Speaking of MH, the spring to fix the lazy jack has not arrived at the dealer yet. I was a little upset but what can ya do. I wonder how upset and disenchanted I will be when we full-time and it's time for service. I know the world doesn't revolve around us, but when we called the service department in early April, he said he was going to order the spring so he could fix it on April 21. He now says it's on back order and MAY be in on the 27th. Somehow I think he waited a few days to order it. Thankfully it isn't absolutely necessary to have it fixed to still go rving.

On a much lighter note, I got buzzed this morning by a hummingbird. He fussed at me some. He must remember our feeder from last year. I pulled it out of the pantry and put out some fresh nectar for our tiny feathered friends. It's the kind of feeder that suctions to the window. I put it right at the breakfast nook so we'll have visitors while we eat our meals.

Yesterday, Gin put the hullavators together and we put them on the Suki. It looks like a moose now with the racks on top but it will be easier for us to put the yaks up there after a few hours of paddling. We adjusted it and tried it out. My arms are a little bruised because I was trying to lift the boat totally wrong. We had a gentle rain so I'm sure that the weed n feed is working good on the lawn. I guess I'll have to cut the grass more often now. What was I thinking.

Well it's gonna be a long week end of work for me but it's only about 15 months left. I know how quickly the past year has gone so I know the time will fly by. And yes we have so much to do...yard sales, paint the house, power wash the fence, craigslist a few things, and almost forgot...enjoy life. ;)