New look and treatment

Stix n Brix

Well does it look different or what.  I made the comment to Gin a few weeks back that I was getting more comfortable with the blog but I wish that the layout was more of a full page.  After going to a geeks on tour seminar at the rally, she decided to surprise me while I was at work.  She is a consummate Ms Fixit of all things.  :)  She found the template and set it up while I added the color.  She then found the picture of Wanda and Suki to add a more personalized look.  We'll probably update that later.  Photos are definitely one thing that I am not comfortable with yet, but I'm working at it.  Picasa looks so easy but I learn by repetition and practice.  I just need more time.

Gin got a call from her doctor's office and they were able to work out a solution with Biogen, the company that makes the drug for her treatment.  She goes in Thursday so this will keep her close to her schedule.  The drug Tysabri doesn't cure MS, but it does give her a better quality of life.  It is a dangerous drug though so she wants to do it right.

Well I've got to go to work tonight.  Only 465 more days but who's counting.