Hooray! for SWAPS & Hooray! for CAKE

Looks like it's gonna be a fabulous weather weekend in Jersey. After about a week of 40 degree nights, I think we've earned it! Really...it's been so depressing. A little while back we got tricked with some balmy evenings, so we then started our nightly walks down to the beach. Then we got hit with this ear biting, nose dripping, cold front and it just wasn't worth the pain. So we said..."lets abandon the walks 'til Mother Nature makes up her mind!"
Hopefully this weekend won't be no flash in the pan! The weather has got me thinking of vacations...mostly, those magical times spent in Wildwood, NJ. And before I get on with this post I just want to make a brief mention of something very exciting thats coming up: The Vintage Vacation Swap! I've got so many ideas and of course I'll bathe you guys in inspiration once the time comes for sign ups. But I just wanted to give a little teaser right here. I'm not yet ready to launch but I will be by next week. I really just wanted to get an early feel for who wants to take part. So leave a comment if you think you'd be interested! It's been a while since I last hosted a swap. The Bits and Pieces Swap was so so great...to this day, years later, I'm still seeing Bit's & Pieces collages in the same exact format that we all used! And the Vintage Kitchen swap was way too much fun, but I guess that would be an obvious favorite for me. As far as this swap goes...give me your thoughts before I carve them in stone...do you think $20 is a good spending limit...or is that too much? We'll make sure that there are handmade as well as vintage and store bought items included. Again, I've got a lot of inspiration in mind but I'll keep that for next week. Just thought this weekend, with the great weather here in Jersey, would be a good time to make mention of it. I can't wait!

Now, last post I brought up our involvement in Art is...You coming this October. And the last painting that I posted ("Sweet") was a great example of what you'll be learning and doing in one of our classes. Well, this piece is too! I'm proud to debut: "Hooray for Cake", another painting/collage that features a whole bunch of elements that would maybe appear to be totally random if it wasn't for the perfectly cohesive color palette. This is available as an 8 x 10 matted print and it just looks so fantastic! Especially as a companion piece to "Sweet". It will soon be for sale as an 11 x 14 print and also as a 5 x 7 mini plaque. I'll post those buy it now buttons in a couple days...if you are interested in those sooner though, just email me and I can send you a paypal invoice. But for now, this listing here is for an 8 x 10 ready to frame matted print.

Ok, this is a short post. I know I usually say this and then I go off on Homeric rants. But this time I actually mean it! I just had a few things to say...and one of those things is this: my friend Natalie Hansen is one of the sweetest gals ever! This necklace is made by her, for me..."just because"! Aaron went to the mailbox and came back with this! How fabulous is that! Natalie makes some of the best jewelry ever! I love this piece so much...the details are so gorgeous and perfect for me...really! I can't thank her enough and just needed to share it here!

Alright, lastly, on this short post...since it's Flickr Friday...I have to leave you guys with my Flickr Fave offering. Flickr mosaics make my world go round and this is whats spinning this week! Well, thanks again for reading...remember...more versions of our new paintings are coming soon and the Vintage Vacation Swap will launch next week! xoxo, Jenny

villaconcamarco made a real revolution in the industry.