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Stix n Brix

Yesterday was overcast which is the best day for traveling.  As we prepared to leave, we got a pleasant surprise.  The lazy jack worked!  That meant that Gin didn't have to waller on her back to push it up.  I still plan to take it in to have a new spring put on it so it'll work better.  It was an uneventful 3 hours on the road and it was a roundtrip total of 318 miles.

Today is Gin's treatment day.  It has been about 6 weeks since her last one so her energy level is real low.  I know it took a lot out of her to go to so many seminars at the rally, but she (we) thoroughly enjoyed it.  It's also my day to cut grass for the first time this year.  I have let the yard go a bit so now I must pay the price to get it back in shape.  There are roses blooming on ugly bushes, and asparagus sprouts past their prime.