Present day and some reasons...

Stix n Brix NC

We enjoyed looking back at last years travels and hope it was a nice trip for you too.  As you can tell, we enjoy the natural settings offered by the CGs where we stayed.  It helps us to find beauty in the ordinary.  All totaled, we spent 62 nights RVing and enjoyed every one of them.  Wish it could be more.

When I tell folks that we plan to sell everything and travel in a MH when I retire, I sometimes don't think they quite understand our choice.  There are many reasons, and I want to touch on a few of them now.  Life can get to be a bit of a rut, and having a different back yard, so to speak, eliminates any ruts.  We'll be more active physically and mentally.  Gin's MS can act up at any time but fulltiming will keep her more active and healthier.  We can follow the weather.

One aspect that's important to me is the interaction with fellow rvers.  They are generally a nice friendly bunch of folks with a positive outlook on life.  I think we fall into that category also.  We would like to do some volunteer activities while we're on the road.  A couple of them that interests us are Habitat for Humanity and Escapees CARE.  Sure a person can get involved with a volunteer organization while living in a stix n brix, but it can sometimes feel like you are obligated to continue even if your heart isn't in it.