I'm not afraid of monsters! (...and a Happy Happy Birthday to Aaron!!)

I remember when my blog was flush with links that connected to amazing people, places, and things. In fact, maybe 99% of reader comments were 'thank you's' for providing so many great links. I hope to get back to that. But besides being a dead beat blogger there are other reasons for the current lack of links on my blog. First off...I used to SHOP! And after those modest shopping sprees...(trust me...very modest indeed)...well then I'd tear open those postal boxes, unwrap my treasures, take some photographs of my fabulous online finds as they would appear integrated into my home decor or within their respective collections (you know...shelves full of dollheads, vintage paper mache bunnies, tiny pianos, Christmas balls in distressed silvery colors that would make your heart melt)...and then I'd put the pics up on the blog and link you guys back to where they came from. Because if I'm one thing...I'm a sharer! I've known plenty of gals who hide their sources like eggs on Easter Sunday(or if the chubster in me had her say I think the simile would be: "Like Colonel Sanders hides his secret recipe.") But life is short and there is plenty of good stuff to go around...so I'll always tell you where, when, how, and for how much, I scored my treasures. And you guys always expressed your gratitude every time I shared. So in turn I tried like heck to pack my blog with as many links as possible.
But here's the thing. There aint too much shopping going on over here no more...or no moe. Of course due to monetary reasons...but other reasons as well. I feel like we've been so busy that I don't even have time to look for stuff! Many of my great finds came from hours of online meandering. And I always worked within a modest budget....so the purchases that you guys would see...I'd call them "eventual" purchases...because I'd probably have a list of two dozen amazing finds all in the running to be bought. I'd hem & haw for a few days...weigh the pros & cons...and after much careful deliberation only then would I finally click BUY. So you guys would see upon my blog a half dozen great online finds...but what you didn't see was the hours and hours of spendthrifty neuroses that went into acquiring them. Yeah, I know, it sounds like I'm whining about not being able to go shopping like I did in those golden days gone by. But all of this is in good fun. But it's true to an extent. Shopping just has not been a possibility in recent months.

So how do I remedy this? How do I hook you guys up with links like I used to? I'm not sure exactly...but tonight I've at least got one fantastic link that you'll certainly thank me for. As for providing more links and as for getting this blog back on its feet and movin' and shakin' like it used to....Well, I just gotta host a great big super inspired SWAP very soon! I've got some twinkles of ideas floating around in my brain and once the time is right I'll invite you all to join in. Swaps may very well be one of my favorite things in life. So that's on the horizon for sure. And hopefully I'll find the time to do some very modest shopping and link you guys to all of the wonderful sources.
So here's my treasure of the month! Meet "Manette"!!!! I ADORE her! She is a monster made by the scintillatingly talented Junker Jane. She's been featured in Stuffed magazine a few times, even on the cover once, and I believe she is actually in the current issue: Jan 2010. Well I found her on that Taj Mahal of sources also known as FLICKR! Did I mention that I LOVE Flickr?! Only about a thousand times I guess but lets make it a thousand and one. I love Flickr! It's my oasis in the desert of days of doldrums and depression. I'm all visual. I NEED to see things and Flickr is a place that is just 100% dedicated to the art of SEEING THINGS! So anyway, that's where I first laid eyes upon the insanely perfect work of Junker Jane! Go visit her blog and Etsy because she is a busy busy bee and there are always new things in the works...new monsters taking shape...so keep tabs on her and check back often. And please tell her that Jenny Holiday sentcha!

This next thing is one of those "finds of the year". You know...one of those things that you've been looking for forever...not diligently but you just had it on your perpetual radar. I'm sure everybody can relate with their own personal obsessions. I've seen garlands like this come and go many times on ebay over the years...in many color schemes. But this one just so happens to be my absolute ideal perfect color. I guess you could say it's aqua. It's one of those inbetween colors...not quite blue, not quite green. And it's the inbetween colors that I am always drawn to. It's a honeycomb paper ball garland, I believe from Japan. It's in perfect condition. The metallic spacers in between the honeycomb balls are paper discs that are silver one side and gold on the other which is ideal for us...especially around Christmas time...because a few years ago we had to make a decision between silver or gold in our Christmas decorations...and the winner was: BOTH. Yeah, we decided that they could work excellently together if done right. But this aint no Christmas garland. Over here...you know...Everyday is a Holiday...so this is draped across our mantle year round. It's pretty long too...long enough to drape perfectly and there is plenty left over to hang long on the left and right. Love it!

I debuted our brand new jewelry last entry and now I just wanted to let you all know that every piece is listed on Etsy and ready to ship. So go shop...please! It's Aaron's birthday and it would make him very happy! Lol. Also, on the last post I know I referred to our new blocks as shelf sitters...which they are...but they also come equipped with a bracket on back so they can hang on the wall just like all of our other stuff. And they look awesome on the wall. I've always loved deep, thick, wall art with sides that have imagery...it's a great look. And the size and shape of these blocks make them perfect for grouping on the wall. Hang some vertical ones mixed in with horizontal ones. And if you're looking to start a collection I absolutely promise you that there will be MANY more variations to come!
Alright, I'm actually writing this at 3:30 am. We're working all night and into the day so that we can ship a ton of packages tomorrow....or today...however you want to look at it. As I mentioned...it's Aaron's birthday. I'm not sure if we'll do anything special. We usually get together with the siblings and make a day out of it but that definitely can't happen tomorrow. But we can always pick another day that works for everyone. That's the way we do it...we don't let the calendar tell us what to do...we let the calendar know who's boss. So I must be going...the computer screen tends to make me sleepy and I've still got a load of work to complete. Thanks so so much again for reading...I hope I wasn't too long. Stay Warm!!!

xoxo Jenny