Blogging For Bliss..and a giveaway!

**Party update: This just in from Tara Frey...the book just went #1 in crafts on Amazon!!!! Which means we moved Miss Martha Stewart down as of 5:30 pm est! Hooray for bloggers!!**

Recently Kari , the fantastic phenom behind the ArtsyMama blog, asked me if I'd like to take part in an online book release party. My answer was "Of course...I'd be honored!"... first off, because I would say yes to anything Kari the ArtsyMama asked me to do! She's just the BEST...I could go on and on. And secondly, because I'm one of the bloggers featured in this book we are celebrating! The name of the book is Blogging for Bliss, and it's written by the awesome Tara Frey. I've been anxiously awaiting it's release and it's finally here! Go to Amazon right now and check it out...WAIT! don't go to Amazon right now...first finish reading this entry! : )
I'm so so honored that Tara chose to include my blog in her book! Tara is an amazing blogger/writer/photographer/creative mind, and if you've ever followed her blog you'd know that a book deal was just inevitable. And the subject of her book is so indicative of what a generous soul she is. Instead of shining the spotlight upon herself she casts the glow on all of Blissful Bloggers doing our own thing...we're captured in glorious glossy full color between the covers of her 156 page tribute to the art of Blogging for Bliss.
This online book release party isn't just for creating a buzz about the release of an awesome book. It's really about creating a buzz about blogging itself. I see it as an opportunity to acknowledge why I blog, how I blog, when I blog, for whom I blog, etc, etc... And hopefully, when you're through reading mine you'll click over to ArtsyMama, the hostess with the mostest, and you'll take a look through all of her links to the other participating blogs. Every once in a while there is a blog community event such as this and it serves as a great meet & greet...a day to discover blogs that have been operating right under our noses all the while but we just haven't found them yet. So, for myself I thought this party would be the perfect time to talk about some of my favorite online people & places...and also to post some of my all time favorite bits of blog eye candy. So take the pics at face value...they don't necessarily pertain to anything going on in my life right now...lets call it a quasi "greatest hits" post. Eye candy plus some brief thoughts on blogging plus links to the online hotspots you NEED to visit!
I started blogging in September of 2006. And if I were to give you the oversimplified short answer as to why I started blogging: I was home alone, perpetually on the verge of an anxiety attack, and I needed to talk to someone...I needed to share.
And that's what I did. My first attempts were hilarious. My initial post literally said something like " hey...I don't know if this is working...I'm trying to write a anybody out there?...can you hear me?" Well, not exactly those words but close to that. I was desperate to open up my world and I thought that writing a blog might work. Well, guess what?? I was so so so so right. I mean, first of all, the proof is you guys. You guys who are reading right now. You weren't a part of my life before. And you have no idea how much I needed you then and still do to this day. I'm an artist through and through...and if you aren't so inclined yourself then just ask any artist...the artistic inclination is both a gift and a curse. There are too many reasons to get into but part of it has to do with the way normal people function and how artists DO NOT. Also, what is seen as a maybe just an obsession in disguise. We don't just WANT to do it...we NEED to. I say all of this in the most light hearted sense. As dysfunctional as I am...I wouldn't trade any of it. But, wait a minute...who dragged out the shrink's couch?...weren't we talking about blogging?...yes, we were. Don't worry...all of this ties together. For me, blogging is a way to be creative and to be social simultaneously. The blog can make things legit. I can create something and share it with the world ten minutes later. I can tell you guys why...and you can tell me what you think. I'm really just skimming the surface here because I want to keep it brief and also leave room for the eye candy : ) ....but lets just say in short...blogging is liberating! It liberates the art from my studio...the thoughts from head...the feelings from heart.
And besides all that. Every once in a while I get to share with you guys some snapshots from my life...summertime boardwalk adventures, road trips, antiquing, moving, birthdays, holidays, recipes, etc...
And maybe the best part of blogging is the sharing of great finds. Things I bought blogs I've discovered...and Links, Links, Links. And speaking of...before I started writing this entry I scrolled through some of my old posts and more recent posts. And I just realized that I've been kinda falling short lately as far as Links go. I've barely given you guys any in my recent posts!! A big reason why I've been lacking in links is that I haven't really been shopping for myself. In the past I'd buy something great...take a pic...and then tell you where to go for it. Oh well...I'll try to do better...for the sake of being a good blogger I better start shopping! : )
Well, I'll give a few links now for old time's sake:

Some fave blogs:
Posie Gets Cozy

One more thing I just thought of....Swaps! It's been a long while since I've hosted a swap! I remember the Bits & Pieces was fantastic! I took so many swap partners for myself. I think I had to make like seven Bits & Pieces collages! But that also meant that I'd be receiving seven! so it was worth it. What's really cool is that I'm seeing Bits & Pieces collages exactly like the ones from our swap being made today. And that's the coolest thing...when something takes on a life of it's own and goes on and on without you. I'm brewing up an amazing Swap subject as I type this. I've had it in my head for a little while now. When I start to foresee some bits of free time I'll be sure to let you guys know...We'll have the biggest Swap yet!

Now for the giveaway contest! You can't have an event without a giveaway. Like always, in order to win you have to leave a comment on this post...but in your comment I'd like you to list your three favorite blogs. AND...if you want to double your chance of winning...become a follower/member of this the lefthand column you'll see the word Sweethearts and underneath it is a group of little thumbnail avatars. I'd love for you to become a Sweetheart and to see your little icon among the group. For the giveaway I'll be choosing one winner but I'll be combining both pools for the if your name is in two spots then your chances are doubled! The prize will be one of our brand new Favorite Photos'll get to pick which one after we draw your name. Remember to include a link to your blog if you have one or provide an email address where I can reach you.

Alright, I'll sum up with a big thanks to Kari, ArtsyMama...And of course, a huge thanks to the gal who's book has brought us all together...Tara Frey! Please go out and get her book so that she can publish another one and another one and another one!
Thanks again for reading...your Blissful Blogger, Jenny