We have some Winnnners!!! And a party invitation!!!

Hello friends...old and NEW!

It's been a long week! Most of which was spent indoors, covered in paint, glue, glitter, and all the other forensic evidence of a week long artistic crime spree. All of our work nights seem to extend into the wee hours...but what else is new?
Here I am, it's very late on this Friday night, and just like the show (Friday Night Lights...one of our all time favorite shows!!) We've got ALL the lights on...we've got paint drying...I can hear Aaron sanding things in the other room...I'm looking down at my fingers, caked with Mod Podge and aqua acrylic paint. Typical Friday night in the life of the self employed artist...we are party animals!! : )
And it happens to be Friday the 13th! You know what that means? It means that in a little while...when me and Aar call it quits for the night...we just might be able to find some good old horror films on cable! Maybe...lately the lords of television have been lazy in their programming.
But anyway...jeeez! I'm wasting time! I've got to announce the winners of our One World One Heart giveaway!! The turn-out was huge and I was thrilled to take part. I love the whole concept of it and what a positive experience it was overall. For a girl with a blog like myself, the benefits are undeniable. The brand new traffic flowing through my humble blog was immense and constant over the past two weeks. I hope I was a 'good find" for some readers out there. If I were to gauge it on the sheer number of entries for my giveaway, then I'd say OWOH was a smashing success. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and took the time to leave a comment! Me and Aaron really wish we could give away more but we are swamped as it is. So we picked two at random...and without further delay....here they are:

1. Twyla & Lindsey of two crazy crafters


2. Tammy Smith of homemade circus

Big Congrats!!
We'll be contacting you shortly to find out your mailing address, color preference, etc...

It was just Abe Lincoln's birthday and I was excited because I've been doing a lot of reading on good ole Honest Abe. If you want to be a fan of a former president of the United States you just can't go wrong with Abe. There are approximately Ten Thousand books and publications on the market all dedicated to Abe. So if you're a fan...the world is your oyster! And what's also fab is that his celebrity extends into the art world. I found this necklace on Etsy and flipped for it. Well actually I was looking through the latest issue of Bust magazine and they had some photos of one of their big craft shows. I spied this gal's amazing jewelry in one of the photo's...there was no caption to tell me who did it or where to find it...but I just KNEW that I'd find it on Etsy! And there it was.. Schmutzerland. I snatched it up instantly with a click of the mouse and within like 48 hours it was in my mailbox here at the Jersey Shore! I love this necklace so so much. It feels magical!

I've mentioned Pink Grapefruit Style many times before and at this point I can really just let the pictures do the talking. Just look at this stuff! My girl Holly is the mastermind behind it all and I can't say enough good stuff about her and her style. Pictured here is the latest assortment of stuff I ordered from her fabulous shop. Can you even handle that mini cash register?! The Vintage Birthday Nutcups! The crochet doll dress and pot holder! Tons and Tons of good stuff. When you shop there you feel like it's a privilege...really!

I did a little one on one swap with a friend of mine, Laurie. She is the fantastic artist behind Magpie Ethel. Everything she does is stunningly whimsical, dreamy, and cute beyond words...and also perfectly executed as far as the details and the neatness etc... I love her stuff and would swap with her each and every day of the week. Just look how sweet these are...those little vintage topper heads!! I can't even stand these!! The reds and pinks...the tiny glass ornament! WOW!

And speaking of reds and pinks...I just wanted to share this latest Flickr mosaic. I can't get this color combo outta my mind. Red , Pink and Aqua!! If I'm on the PC, writing emails or something...I keep this mosaic minimized at the bottom of my screen and constantly open it up to take a peek. I just needed to share it!

And lastly. I wanted to spread the word today so you guys would be warned ahead of time for tomorrow...but now it's so late that it IS tomorrow already! Anyway...sorry to confuse...but this is what I'm getting at:
On Saturday February 14th...Valentines Day! There is an awesome Lollishops party going on and it's hosted by Chelsea Ann at ittybittybirdy. It's called the All Dolled Up Party and it is sure to be super duper fabulous. I will certainly be taking part...so that means I'll be posting another blog entry right away. Right now I'm getting very very tired so I'll ask you to go to ittybittybirdy for all the details and the complete list of all the participants. Trust me...it's gonna be a blast!
Wow...I'm getting so sleepy...at this point, even if there is a marathon of the best zombie movies ever on cable...I think I'll have to pass and just head straight to bed.

Thanks again for stopping by...and congrats again to the OWOH winners! xoxo, Jenny