Swappy Holiday Fun!!!

(FYI.....the walls were NOTTT as hot pink as they look here...yowser!)
So how many of you have been a part of a swap? Is that the dopiest question ever? Like at this point Blogging and Swapping go hand and hand!! Duh! Well...anyways...I remember the first day I read about the "Club Little House" swap, hosted by the super super fun and sweet
Amy of Inspire Co.!! I truly almost fell off my chair!! There were only 12 spots open!!! TWELVE!! ...now I didn't even have a blog at the time... So in a way..I felt it was totally right that I couldn't join in...I  mean I was just a darn lurker at the time!!....I wouldn't even be able to post pics...or tell everyone how fab everything is!!...Ok...fast forward...round two....nope!! News and pics of round one spread like Wildfire...now it was a total frenzy!!..noway can you get into this oh so fabulously elite club!!!
Then, the darling Miss Amy decided....hey...Why not a mini swap?!!!
(Lovely brain and heart she has!!) I was in like Flynn !! yahoo!! Sooo exciting! We were only sending one item to one person..instead of giving and getting 12. Which was so OK with me!! I was so excited to come up with something fun!! (Here is where I should start to describe what you are seeing in the above pics....but nope..sorry blogeroos.... at the time..I was still lurking!! ..no pics!! boo hoo!!)
I was so so fortunate to get a sweetheart named Kassia to send to!! She was so so nice....She seemed very pleased and excited about her little gifts!! We will remain blogging buddies!! Now here comes the bittersweet part.....I never heard from nor received anything! yep..stinky winky!!.....Igave up watching for the mailman..and checking the swap bot list to see if there were any more "sent" packages. ..Then I got an email from Jackie of
Wren's Nest ... turns out..she sent to the gal that was supposed to send to me!!..and guess what?!..No word back!!! (Now that would be much much worse!! All the excitement of coming up with, gathering, creating, wrapping, and sending off your little gifts.....to never hear back!) We both just hope nothing bad is going on in her life.
Anyways....the sweet part of it all was...my new friends ..Kassia!!!...and Jackie!! ....who emailed me yesterday to tell me of a fabulous NEW SWAP going on!! Vintage Christmas!! How lovely does that sound?? Yep!! I am SO IN!!! We have until October 15th to sign up or drop out....and then we have until November 10th to ship out our gifties!! So if anyone is interested...follow the link!!..and if for any reason you cannot follow through...(stuff happens)...contact the host..or the person you are sending too...or drop out. Let's make it super fun for everyone!!! The holiday's are right around the corner party people!!!
I am so excited to try it again!! Yipee!! Hope to see the list of participants grow!!
Oh....above....are pics of our Christmas tree from last year!..Now...I have no idea what it will look like this year...being that we said Good Bye to our pink walls!! (anxiety setting in)...We shall see!! There will be mostly Pink...Cream..White...Silver....and now vintagey turquoise...set against...tan/mocha walls......(more anxiety setting in)...LOL..oh boyyyy!!
Wow...I think I better go pull out my Holiday inspiration folder...and set my mind at ease...I gotta go figure this out!!
xoxo Jenny