Everyday is a Walt Day!


                                          Walt soaked and covered in mud!

   I step away from the computer, and some how a week just tornados by!Amazing!!

We have been spending LOTS of time with Walt....so much so...we are considering changing our company name to "Everyday is a Walt Day"....kidding.
Some how we end up picking him up to get crickets for the reptiles...or taking him to get "the last black lava lamp the store has" or... to watch an 11pm hockey game on a random Wednesday!( at 20 mins notice)...I swear..he has a magnetic pull on us!!  I love that kid!! I said it before...and I have to say it again...Time just FLEW!! It really really feels like yesterday, that he had a bowl haircut and was running around in underwear and the GREEN socks!! Now he's a GUY!! It is so insane!! We can hang out with Walt like a peer ...well....sorta... He still needs a "hand" making his bed....and I still have to make him sandwhiches (Jenny specials) as I am walking out the door....and fold his jeans ..(cuz I know how to do it really good...almost "professional")
I shake my head for hours after a night with him...too many funny things..and just overall amazement at who he is and who he is becoming.
Yesterday was a BIG xcountry meet at Holmdel (home)...it was POURING...I actually had mud all the way up the thighs of my jeans! The kids were soaked....you could see hundreds of umbrellas speckling the park! We were shocked at the turn out! We came to realize that a major downpour makes for the most exciting race of the season!
By far one of the most fun races ever!! Walt ran his best to date......slipping onto his back while running into the dreaded "bowl" portion of the race! turns out there were lots of slips. slides, and splits!
It was a freezing, wet, FUN FUN time!!
The season is coming to an end...only a few more races left. Walt seems really psyched to have this new chapter in his life! And I have to say....we are beyond psyched as well!! We couldn't be more proud of that kid!!
Now..The countdown to Hockey Season starts!!! :)
Hope everyone is great!! Thanks bunches for the sweet sweet emails about our ornaments in C.L., and the amazing support!! It means so much to us!!
be back soon!!..promise!!
xoxo Jenny