After our exciting trip from Oatman we arrrived fairly early at the Grand Canyon Campground. The weather appeared to be turning so we hustled over to the canyon via the transit system which is free and essential if you want to visit the overlooks. The views are unbeliveable and while we took probably 2 or 3 hundred pictures all were fantastic. What we both had problems with is the guardrails in most places and foot trails that just wander for miles each way along this edge from the visitor center. Now I'm not real fond of heights. In fact, I wasn't even fond of riding in the buses that took you to the various points along a road that was entirely too close to the edge in my book. Below are just some of the views we saw.

The weather did turn and we stayed the second day thinking it might get better but by early evening SNOW started coming down.

We had planned on heading north to Monument Valley after the stay here at Grand Canyon but the cold weather and snow quickly changed our minds and we decided on a more southerly route home. This post was a bit delayed as there were so many pictures and for some reason I had difficulty in posting them each time I tried.