Marge attended the ladies luncheon and shopping day that involves a lunch and then every shopping center available and spend a long enough time to have us take them out for dinner. At least this time the “boys” were able to have a nice lunch and a few beers while we watched the boats come and go from Marathon Harbor. The ladies are shown below:

All this past week, the annual trek of the amateur astronomers called the “Stargazers” met at the Boy Scout Camp located on the small Key towards big pine to view the heavens. They start lining up on the highway a day or so before they were allowed into the site and then as many as 500 or 600 stay up and watch the sky all night. They really have some unusual equipment, but is usually covered during the day. The most prominent example was this large telescope that looked more like a human cannon than anything else. Their equipment is so valuable that the police really do quite a job relative to the security of the group. Unless you have a pass you do not get in (which is why I only have the one picture).

By the way, I heard today from my good friends in Michigan (Dave & Dave) who were calling from one of our favorite campgrounds along the Manistee River near Grayling. They were snowmobiling and there was at least 30” of snow on the ground and they were in the middle of a blizzard dropping another 6-8” of fresh snow. We on the other hand have a temperature today of 79-80 degrees the sun is shining and there is a lite breeze….oh and I have an ice cold beer in my hand as I type this. Here’s to you Dave and Dave.