Mov'n again and soon

We've been dormant or so it seems relative to travel....haven't been in the motorhome since our hurried trip home for big Al. Al is well, we have a new grandaughter (Molly) and another due in about a month or so. It actually appears we have some time -10 days or so- and were going to do some exploring in NW lower Michigan. We have thought for a long time now that after we get our exploring in the motorhome out of the way we would like to find a place on a lake or more preferrably a river which we think might be a little quieter to settle. We have our two children and their families at opposite ends of this world it seems and Michigan has been our home for a long time. With friends close here in Michigan we are going to look around some of the areas and will report back as to what we find.

We also will be leaving for Colorado in July which we hope to extend to Mt Rushmore and the Badlands spending as much time as we can. We will be attending a wedding in Estes Park and hope to visit friends in Glenwood Springs...Maybe even see Doc Holidays memorial. After watching Deadwood on HBO we will also try and stop there too.