Week of Leisure?

Greetings everyone, we haven't forgotten you but its been very nice to sit back read and vegetate for a few days. Once Marge decided that was over..... we have done quite a number of things.....washing and waxing the motorhome from top to bottom and generally cleaning house. I even scrubbed the roof!

Scrubbing the roof

We also spent a nice day at Bahia Honda State Park walking the beach and no I did not drop my camera on purpose this time. I am very happy with this camera!

Western view of Bahia Honda Parks beautiful beach.

Private ship anchored off the campground at Bahia Honda State Park

After visiting this park and Long Key Park we have tried hard to get reservations for a period of time next year. The proceedure is that you reserve 11 months to the date ahead of time starting at exactly 8:00 AM in the morning. The problem is there are only a few openings each day and the phone line is busy. We tried all week to get through but were not successful at all. We finally just made reservations for Sunshine Key again and we plan to hopefully stop at Everglades National Park on the way down next year.

We also spent another day in Key West only this time we actually took the Conch Train Tour which was fun and really quite informative. The architecture in Key west is best seen from this little tour and of course me being in the brick business I was especially curious about buildings like the Custom House right in the middle of town.

Custom House

Beautiful Brick Arch and Brick Detail

Government buildings were required to be brick and mortar in those days and the Custom House with all of its brick detail having been fully restored it is quite a site to see. There was some limestone and terra cotta from itally (the carved clay and gargoyles) but the brick barrel vaulting and shapes used everywhere were neat to see. See below. No one can afford that kind of construction anymore.

We stopped at the Art Fair at the Truman Annex which was fun although a bit pricey. The Truman Annex is former president Truman's summer whitehouse that is now a condominium complex but quite nice.

Entrance of and Art Show at Truman Annex

We also stopped to see one of Marges old high school buddies that manages the local female impersonater club. We were invited back for dinner and the show but said maybe next year but I did get a good picture of he and Marge.

Marge and Russ at the LaDeDa Club

We plan on being here another week and our additions to this epistle will increase as we move. By the way we are having our first rain and expect more tomorrow. I know you in the north feel real bad for us.